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November 19th, 2015 09:00

XPS 8900 BSOD's out of box. Exchanged XPS 8900 does the same thing.

RESOLVED! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Main fix: Disable this driver: bcmwl664.sys (Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter wireless driver, Broadcom Corporation)

This can be done by finding and disabling the wi fi card in the Device Manager - find the WIRELESS driver - not the regular network driver, under Network Adapters, right click, and select "Disable".

If you've already begun to reinstall Windows out of frustration, or in a last ditch effort to save yourself the trouble of another return (like I did), make sure to NOT install the Broadcom Wireless driver from Dell's site. Otherwise, you'll be back where you started.

User dbark has also found another issue, slightly OT but it might help some of you - on his 8900 file explorer won't open when left-clicking from the task bar. Screen flashes, icons reload and wallpaper changes (slideshow mode is on). Right-clicking and selecting a folder works. Right-clicking on a file or desktop icon crashes.

He read that a shell extension was the likely culprit and using ShellExView he was able to ID NVIDIA's "OpenGLShExt Class" (file nv3dappshext.dll) to be the cause by process of elimination. We're still working through the fix there, details on page 7.

Original post below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posting my story here so that I'm using all available channels. Also, the three reps I'd been working with over email have gone dark since I mentioned the word "refund". So I thought maybe I could find some help here. I'm spending my last shreds of hope here, before all becomes darkness.

I ordered an XPS 8900 system on 10/15, and received it on 10/27. Within a couple hours of powering on the system, I got a BSOD that said "UNCORRECTABLE HARDWARE ERROR". I'm somewhat computer saavy but I had never seen this BSOD before. After using my other older computer (also a Dell - still works great) to research the issue, I determined that I did not have the skills to diagnose or fix whatever this might be (most resources said power supply issues, bad RAM). I did see that a RAM clamp was not fastened tightly, so I clamped it in. But no dice.

I called Dell and started the age old customer service tradition of, did I try restarting, yes I did. Yes, I tried restarting. Overall my experience was OK. Mostly I feel like there's one guy in any group of phone reps who actually knows stuff about these machines, and everyone asks him what to do. That's my theory, because after each answer I gave, I was placed on hold for several minutes. In the end, the decision was made to try a new motherboard. The conversation moved to email and a Dell authorized tech was scheduled to come out and install the board. 

On 11/2 the new board was installed, but the computer would not boot at all now. Before, it went to Windows but BSOD'd after anywhere from 30 min to 2 hrs. Never more than 2 hrs. The Dell tech spoke with customer care from my home and more parts were ordered - a cable and hard drive. A 2nd visit was scheduled for 11/5, after which the computer was still not functional. That same day I heard from a sales rep who asked if I wanted an exchange, to which I replied, yes, I would like an exchange.

The new computer arrived 11/17 and I sent back the broken one. I ran through Windows first time set up. As I prepared dinner, I started installing my programs and getting other stuff set up. Holding a pan of simmering taco meat (I use ground turkey, try it - it's great), something caught my eye in the periphery. I set down the pan and saw that the screen had changed to the BSOD. It said: UNCORRECTABLE HARDWARE ERROR. Yes, the new computer gave me exactly the same error.

Quick aside -  last night, 11/18 I received an email from the original rep asking if I ever got that hard drive and cable.

So here's the sequence of events that took place:

2. First visit from Dell technician to install new motherboard (did not resolve issue) - 11/2
3. Second visit by Dell tech to install cable and new hard drive (did not resolve issue) - 11/5
4. Same day, heard from Sales rep regarding exchange 11/5. I replied I wanted to go ahead and exchange
5. Sales rep initiates exchange and new computer goes into production - 11/6
6. Receive new computer and pack up/send back nonfunctional one - 11/17
7. New computer is unpacked - 11/17 6:00pm
8. New computer gives same BSOD UNCORRECTABLE HARDWARE ERROR, 11/17 6:27pm while software is installing

And here are the steps to repro the BSOD on my system. Remember - this is right out of the shipping box.

1. Hook up my monitors, keyboard/mouse, network cable and the power cable provided
2. Windows 7 Pro first time setup
3. Install Google Chrome
4. Log into Autodesk account, download Maya installer
5. Begin Maya installation - never finished, BSOD

I have written back to the sales rep and the original rep requesting that we start the refund procedure. Normally the original rep would get back to me pretty quick, but not this time. And I asked the sales rep about a refund about two days ago now with no response. What are my other options at this point? My situation is this: I have spent a lot of money on something which does not work. What can I do about this?

135 Posts

November 24th, 2015 04:00

No so.  Questioning things us how we all learn and grow.

8 Posts

November 24th, 2015 15:00

Here's an update to the post I wrote yesterday morning, but since the moderator took all day to approve it, some people might not have seen it...

Anyway, as I stated I have the same problems with the exact same machine last week. I did the upgrade to 10 via the website and stumbled into the solution of disabling the Broadcom WIFI driver. That solved the problem for my computer.

Afterward I decided to confirm that it was the Broadcom WIFI driver so I enabled it again, but I didn't just stop there. Before enabling it I searched for an update and sure enough, there was one. At 11am yesterday I updated the driver and enabled it. The good: my machine remains crash free. The bad: I didn't use the old driver to confirm it was the problem.

So to anyone stumbling across this thread having the same issue, I recommend disabling the WIFI driver before going too far down the road. If you need the WIFI capability, update it once you're proven crash-free. Personally I wouldn't throttle back a powerhouse machine like this with a WIFI connection.


135 Posts

December 1st, 2015 08:00


That is a very interesting insight.   And that is exactly the sort of thing that I meant when saying something was missing from the original posters description of the problem.   If he was using wifi and also had the problem that you had then it explains his dilemma and explains why I hVe not seen it despite installing scores of these machines (I never use wifi to set these up as it is so slow relative to a cable connection).

Thanks for posting.   That is good information that hopefully someone at Dell will pick up on, I say hopefully but my expectations are quite low that they actually read or care about messages here.

Kudos to you.

8 Posts

December 1st, 2015 12:00

Machine is still up and running with no crashes since the "fix".

I do want to clarify that I was not using the wifi; I was plugged in. The wifi card was enabled though. I disabled it and the crashes stopped. After a while I updated it's driver, enabled it again and still no crashes. wifi card is still enabled today, but not used.

I wish the original poster would give us an update. I think he did a lot of needless work tho.

P.S. Love the speed of this machine!

2 Posts

December 1st, 2015 13:00

I just got a new 8900 yesterday and was having frequent BSODs... so I came here.

For now.. I have disabled the WIFI via the BIOS and I am hopeful that the BSODs are gone.

Thanks to all for doing all of the heavy lifting on this one.  I have been there before with DELL SUPPORT and it is like you lose way too much of your life doing various tasks.

Still keeping my fingers crossed but yesterday I was BSOD every few hours and so far today.  None.


105 Posts

December 1st, 2015 13:00

Machine is still up and running with no crashes since the "fix".

I do want to clarify that I was not using the wifi; I was plugged in. The wifi card was enabled though. I disabled it and the crashes stopped. After a while I updated it's driver, enabled it again and still no crashes. wifi card is still enabled today, but not used.

I wish the original poster would give us an update. I think he did a lot of needless work tho.

P.S. Love the speed of this machine!

Whether or not one uses wifi, an integrated webcam, or any other hardware, is of no consequence since the hardware is not the issue... the drivers for the hardware are. 

Broadcom AC WiFi driver packages for Windows 10 contained the following Windows 8 file, causing the BSODs: bcmwl63a.sys 

December 1st, 2015 13:00

Hey guys, machine's still up and running. I followed those same steps...well, sort of. I didn't download Dell's version of that driver, instead opting for the generic. I've been plugged into the ethernet port as well. Worked on the machine all weekend, it's great.

December 1st, 2015 13:00

I think doing all the other stuff was the all-encompassing foolproof way to do the very simple thing you did. If I knew exactly what to look for when I started, I could've probably disabled that Broadcom driver even on the win 7 installation and solved the BSOD's, but as it happens, running all those steps accomplished the same thing. Everything I need runs in Win 10 anyway, so compatibility turned out to not be an issue for me in the end.

EDIT: And I love the speed too. Power button to windows login/desktop is like 8 seconds.

8 Posts

December 1st, 2015 13:00

Hey guys, machine's still up and running. I followed those same steps...well, sort of. I didn't download Dell's version of that driver, instead opting for the generic. I've been plugged into the ethernet port as well. Worked on the machine all weekend, it's great.

So you didn't have to do all that other "stuff" or didn't it help the BSODs? Thanks for the update! It's good to have a successful thread.

3 Posts

December 2nd, 2015 05:00

sounds like a plan

December 2nd, 2015 13:00

No problem, good luck. I have also reached out to Executive Resolutions to see about getting that driver either pulled, or replaced in the deployment for these systems, so hopefully this will stop happening to people. I believe JW mentioned that he did the same, even before me.

1 Message

December 9th, 2015 06:00

I have the exact same problem. The XPS 8900 with Win 7 pro would not boot up, brand new out of the box. Gives me a BSOD.  After talking to the 4th Dell technician, they are send a new hard drive and a tech to install it.  I hope that solves the problem.  BTW, I am not very computer savy.

December 9th, 2015 11:00

There is a chance, though small, that there's a legitimate hardware issue. If the new hard drive does not fix the problem, I would say you have two options:

1. Disable/uninstall the Wifi Card and its drivers - the pre installed broadcom driver seems to be the issue based on dbark's research

2. Run through JW0914's steps earlier in the thread to do a clean install of WIndows 10. As a Win 7 user you are eligible for a free download and upgrade to Windows 10, there will be an icon to do the upgrade in the lower right (taskbar). This may not be the best choice for you depending on what software you're running/its compatibility

If possible I would show the tech this thread when he or she arrives before you even take the computer apart. Might save you some time, and might help them to properly debug the issue should the hard drive not be the source of the problem.

8 Posts

December 11th, 2015 11:00

First off; everything is still working great on the new 8900. Very happy with the speed.

The one issue that's popped up; file explorer won't open when left-clicking from the task bar. Screen flashes, icons reload and wallpaper changes (slideshow mode is on). Right-clicking and selecting a folder works. Right-clicking on a file or desktop icon crashes.

I read that a shell extension was the likely culprit and using ShellExView was able to ID NVIDIA's "OpenGLShExt Class" (file nv3dappshext.dll) to be the cause by process of elimination. I'm able to re-enable it and it appears to work okay for a minute or two and then the problem returns.

I know this is a bit OT but it's the same machine with likely the same dlls, so I wanted to pass it on to you, Thurston.

1 Message

December 11th, 2015 15:00

YES!!!! The answer is disabling/replacing the drivers for the wireless card!!!!! I have the same story as the first poster, the first one I received blue screened within the first hour of use. The second machine did the exact same thing. Disabling the wireless card fixed the problem and it hasn't happened since! Thank you!!!!!!! This thread was amazing help. Can the first post get edited to add the fix so its easier for other to find?

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