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April 1st, 2018 09:00

Bios help Inspiron 560

I was wondering why my system was running slow so I started to look into this. Found out after I put a better video card that the bios is sharing 1/2 my memory to the video. I am looking to stop this. In the bios (A06) does not have a option to change this and wonder how I get this changed with the bios locked (thanks dell) or get the option to pop up? I tried to update the bios but when I download the update from dell's site it was the same version. Is there something I can do about this or am I stuck with the waste of my memory? Any help would be great! TY 

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

April 1st, 2018 18:00

Always include version of Windows in your posts, and is it a 32- or 64-bit version?

How much RAM is installed on the motherboard and how much is on the new video card? 32-bit Windows is limited to 4 GB of motherboard RAM, of which only ~3.2 -3.5 GB is actually usable. This PC supports up to 8 GB but only when a 64-bit OS is running.

Few -if any- PCs let you change the amount of RAM shared with video in BIOS any more. Windows decides how to manage it.

Have you run the diagnostics to make sure all your motherboard RAM is still working? Reboot and press F12. Look for the option to run the diagnostics and run the RAM tests. Have patience because this will take a while.

It's possible the new video card doesn't have a lot of RAM so it's hogging motherboard RAM, and/or possibly some of the video card's RAM is defective...?

Do you have the latest Intel chipset and video drivers for your version of Windows and this new video card?

If you have less than 4 GB for 32-bit Windows or less than 8 GB for 64-bit Windows, you might consider adding more...


April 1st, 2018 20:00

Oh yeah and I know my ram is all working because it shows up working in the bios, Under windows on the other hand shows in display adapter properties that 4 gigs is dedicated to vram. I remember from way back when you can add memory to the video card more for the on board type to boost it up, I want to get to that setting and unboost it so I can use all my ram not just 1/2 of it. 

April 2nd, 2018 03:00

IDK if it posted so here it goes again. Win 10 64 bit, A06 bios, 8 gigs of ram which 4 gigs are used on video ram, All I am trying to do and there has to be a way is to get the 4 gigs not to be used by the video ram, back in the old days there was a setting in the Bios that you can set the amount that gets used for video mostly for on board video. This is the first time I have seen it use for a add on video card. I do not see that setting in the advance section of the bios or any where in the bios. I know dell likes to keep things simple and not allow users to change stuff in their bios, but they should update the bios after the warranty is up so users that choose to can update it and use the system like it should be able to be used.

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

April 2nd, 2018 11:00

Just because the motherboard RAM shows up in BIOS doesn't mean it's working correctly. All that says is BIOS sees it. So reboot and run the RAM tests from the F12 menu diagnostics.

You still didn't say how much RAM is on the new video card, and how do you know it's all working?

How is the Integrated Graphics option set in BIOS setup?

Dell doesn't support this PC beyond Win 7, so it reached "End Of Life", and there won't be any new BIOS updates. And Win 10 and/or the new video card may not be fully compatible with the PC hardware. 

Go to the Intel download site and download their driver scanner app. Let it scan your PC and see if it offers you a newer chipset driver which might perhaps maybe help with this problem - if you're lucky.

Beyond that, you either have to live with the problem or revert to the previous video card, or find another new card that might not demand so much RAM. Or revert to Win 7, assuming the new video card is compatible, since Microsoft will be providing full support for Win 7 until 2020

April 2nd, 2018 13:00

Ok I tested the ram via f12, then I put in into another board and booted to same windows and wow that board is not sharing ram, I got with intel and no updates, then talked with someone with no luck. Thanks dell for locking the bios you guys have made me a dell hater, I will not buy another dell product ever and will be posting about this. It is nuts that I can not change a simple little thing like sharing ram with a on board video that I do not use. **bleep** poor...... -5 stars for dell.......

April 2nd, 2018 15:00

It runs win 10 and new card fine that isnt the problem...... Them locking the bios is........

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

April 2nd, 2018 15:00

You can rant all you want, it won't change a thing.  Dell rarely -if ever- allowed the changes you want.

The 560 is old hardware, and you can't expect it to run the latest OS or add-in cards optimally, or the way you want.


1 Message

August 10th, 2019 13:00

How did you get Windows 10 installed, as I've been struggling to get my Windows 10 USB install pen to boot?  I guess I could try a DVD instead?

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

August 10th, 2019 18:00

@Ian_Price  -  Are you using the tool on the Microsoft download page to create the bootable USB stick with the Win 10 ISO on it?

Is that USB stick bigger than 8-GB? The MS page says to use an 8-GB stick, but users around here find that they needed at least a 16-GB or 32-GB stick.

Are you connecting the bootable USB stick to a USB2 port on the PC before powering it on? Then power on and immediately press F12 to open the menu. Look for the option to boot from USB on that menu...

And are all your files backed up on external media, and do you have all the product keys for your apps, eg MS Office, etc so you can install them after Win 10 is running?


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