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1 Rookie


3 Posts


May 11th, 2024 16:03

Cannot detect MX 350 in both Device manager and BIOS

I'm suffering for that the discrete GPU MX 350 has been disappear for a long time. I've found it has been disappeared since BIOS update. However, I've downgrade the BIOS to previous version but it just not working. The MX 350 hardware cannot be found in DeviceManger (windows), Ubuntu, and even in "display" menu in BIOS.

I've tried many work around found in forum, but just like others, these workaround are not work.
I've done RTC reset for 40 seconds. disable PCIe express root, change power profiles to maximum performance, tried to reinstall the nvidia driver in safe mode. Non of each of them helped.

The discrete GPU just disappeared in BIOS's menu.
If the BIOS will disable discrete GPU one day, why we people pay extra money for Nvidia's GPU.

5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

May 11th, 2024 21:47

It seems that your question is addressing toward Dell.  

To receive assistance from Dell chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Then you must troubleshoot with them.  Click the Get Help Now button on the bottom right to start a live chat session. If already out of warranty, click here for the Dell out of warranty offering.

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