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May 17th, 2021 12:00

Não reinicia apos atualizacao modelo 15 3000

​Modelo 15 3000...Minha máquina pediu uma atualização e ao terminar disse q precisava reiniciar. Isso foi as 9h da manhã, a tela está preta e a máquina não reinicia, já tem 7 horas e meia nesse processo. O q fazer?​

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

May 17th, 2021 13:00

Assuming that the update was a BIOS update, all you can do is wait and if the system does not respond then reboot it. It may boot fine or, if your system has BIOS recovery, it may be able to repair the failed update. Which exact model number do you have as 3000 is a series and not a specific model number?

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