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This post is more than 5 years old



1 Message


March 22nd, 2018 05:00

Why dell is so bad?

First for many years decided to buy dell equipment - bought dell ispiron 5575. Laptop appeared to have disk performance issue when equipped with toshiba ssd. Here posts


and many others. Notebook bought exactly because it has NVMe ssd with pce gen 4 support and SSD performance is like HDD and low cost SSDs.


And what Dell support say about this? Disk works? yes? Good buy!


Dell - will never again!


 PS some other discussions


Dell - is it possible to get ssd replace?

9.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2018 09:00

Hi root_da_woot,

Thanks for posting.  Apologies that your system is not performing as expected.

Unfortunately, without knowing the exact details of what types of activities your system is doing, it's difficult to give an accurate response to your particular issue.

In the posts you mentioned, none of them are the same model as yours, so again, your performance may vary from theirs.

If you haven't already done so, please perform a hardware diagnostics by pressing F12 at startup or by using Dell Support Assist, make a note of any error messages and post back.  If you are still in warranty, you may wish to troubleshoot with Dell Tech Support to find out your options.  You can contact Tech Support at 1-800-624-9896  or 1-800-288-4410, or you can initiate a chat session

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