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This post is more than 5 years old


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February 25th, 2006 08:00

ATI Radeon 9800 Mobility

First the specs on my system just to get that out of the way:
P4 3.4Ghz Proc
2GB Ram
ATI Radeon 9800 256mb Mobility
Now the problem,  I have the R106662 drivers (latest) from the site, and have even set the ati control panel to lean towards the performance options, and yet I am getting low framerates. 
In an older game I play somtimes  (Medal of Honor)  I dont seem to have any problems, the in game FPS meter often plays at 70+ FPS 
But more often now I play World of Warcraft, and have gotten CoD, CoD UO, and a couple other higher end games compared to MoH, on any of those I do not seem to be able to get over 20 FPS.
Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts, anything I might be missing.   I did even try installing the radeon catalyst drivers from ati site but couldnt from there, their checker said it wouldnt work.  Thanks for any help.

197 Posts

April 5th, 2006 08:00

and your 3dmark2005 score?

April 5th, 2006 23:00

I discovered something very interesting.

Running 3DMark2005 once returns a result of 2918 3DMarks and 3605 CPUMarks.  However, if I immediately run the test again (no changes to the settings), my CPUMark score goes up to 4192!  Each subsequent test returns nearly identical results (2900+ 3DMarks, 4100+ CPUMarks).

197 Posts

April 6th, 2006 05:00

I think is absolutely normal; maybe the problem is sw related... If you want the best score to 3dmark2005 try to realize a fresh install of WinXp with minimal sw in order to minimize ram occupation at startup, and in order to minimize proc occupation at startup. Try to disable all futile sw like antivirus firewall, automatic update and so on.
JimGen1XPS your 3dmark2005 score?

14 Posts

April 6th, 2006 14:00

My results:
2674 3DMarks
2085 CPUMarks
2nd Test (Test Rerun):
2648 3DMarks
2193 CPU Marks
I can see from the rusults you were seeing that these are not very good.

197 Posts

April 6th, 2006 15:00

and so, jimxpsgen1, try to verify if your system run hot; it's a common problem on inspiron 9100 and inspiron XPS... First of all install a sw like I8kFanGui, or I9KFanGui (the second is better, and they are both freeware). Theese simple sw allow you to verify in real time the temp of your vidcard and the temp of your proc. Take this sw active during 3dmark2005 and post here your temp. If your system run hot, too hot (and it is possible, your cpu score is too low) you must try to clear all part near the fan. Probably for this clear activity is necessary to open your note.

14 Posts

April 6th, 2006 16:00

Excellent recommendation.... I popped out the two fans, cleaned off the pound of dust, and my CPU scores are back in line with what they should be.  My FPS still seems to stink but at least its not the fault of the processor.  My new results:

2894 3DMarks

4007 CPUMarks


14 Posts

April 6th, 2006 19:00

Sorry.... total brain freeze.... "oc"??


197 Posts

April 6th, 2006 19:00

Very very good; now, try a little oc, with AtiTool sw.

Nice to help you



14 Posts

April 6th, 2006 19:00

Overclocking?  You cna do that wil a ATITool?  I am new at the overclocking thing.



197 Posts

April 7th, 2006 08:00

Yeah, you can over clock your vid card, and AtiTool is a great tool for this.
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