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March 9th, 2016 11:00

BIOS switchable graphics


In the Inspiron 5458 BIOS there is the possibility to disable switchable graphics.

What would happen if I disabled it? Will the intel the Intel video card be disabled or is it the other way around?


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

March 9th, 2016 14:00

This would be a new option - most Inspirons of recent vintage don't have a hardware control for the hybrid video setup.  If yours does, disabling switchable video should run the nVidia GPU all the time (at a cost to battery runtime and more heat and therefore fan activity, of course).

If that's what happens, post back -- it'd be a new development for Inspirons, which in recent years have been entiredly muxless (software-only control).

380 Posts

March 9th, 2016 17:00

There is an option to configure the settings for the nVidia GPU to take over graphics display at all times or for specified programs if you have issues with the Intel onboard graphics for that particular program or programs. You might want to try that first to see if that helps.


380 Posts

March 30th, 2016 03:00

 I have run into a couple of instances where I have had to configure the nVIDIA card to use for a particular program instead of having the default integrated Intel chip do the graphics. There are some serious issues with the latest Intel graphics drivers at least for my XPS-15 9550.


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