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September 22nd, 2015 11:00

Dell Inspiron 630m. Battery - a problem ?

I am back again with this Dell laptop ()S- Windows 7).  After my last couple of posts/threads everything seems to run fine,

As regards the battery on this machine are there problems with this particular model ?  Work solely with the battery and on checking it always shows that the battery is running down, ie % and minutes left. Plug into the mains, and the icon shows that it is 'plugged in and charging'; check that and it shows the % increasing.

Yet, even after plugging into mains and carrying on, frequent checks shows increases in % until reaching 82 or 83%, and then it just sticks at that figure, and it never increases above that fig. ie 82-83%

New battery needed ??  

2.3K Posts

September 22nd, 2015 14:00

Depending on how you use your computer etc., its possible the battery is wearing down.  I'm not familiar with the 630m, so it maybe several years old?  With mixed use of being plugged in and being ran off the battery, they normally last 2 to 3ish years before they start to wear out, which is why most companies only warranty the battery for a year.  

13 Posts

September 23rd, 2015 04:00

beamermt79,  Thanks for that.  Given this laptop 2 weeks ago, and it is probably 2-4 yrs old, so the battery must be reasonably 'old'.  As it is charging I will just keep an eye on it, and once it fails to charge about 50% or thereabouts, I will get another battery.

Like a Vista laptop (Dell Inspiron 1545) I use it with the battery, then once down to 30% I plug into the mains whilst browsing, allowing the battery to re-charge.  That battery has lasted about 4 years.


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