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March 21st, 2010 13:00

disabling facial recognition

can anybody please help me turn off the facial recognition feature on my dell laptop







































can any body please help me turn off the facial recognition feature on my dell laptop model # pp39l ? and still be able to use the webcam feature???







211 Posts

March 22nd, 2010 08:00

can any body please help me turn off the facial recognition feature on my dell laptop model # pp39l ? and still be able to use the webcam feature???

Sure - I can help. The easiest way to turn of FastAccess is to open the mangement console (Windows menu > All Programs > FastAccess facial recognition > Configure Fastaccess" and simply select "Disabled" for your security mode.

If I could ask, however, what specific issue or problem you're seeing, I might be able to help in a way to goes beyond simply shutting it off. Most other video applications (what you might be referring to as the "webcam feature" perhaps?) can still be used with FastAccess enabled through the virtual web camera. If you could tell me more specifically what you're seeing, I may be able to provide other suggestions.

1 Message

September 21st, 2013 22:00

I can answer as to why someone might want to turn the facial recognition software off, or at least I can answer as to why I've turned mine off.  The first reason is that it doesn't work about 95% of the time.  I've owned a Dell XPS 15z for over two years, and used it almost daily.  The software still doesn't recognize my face, so I have to use the password.  And here lies the other reason I don't want to use it.  The software provides a dual access pathway, and thus reduces the security of the access system:  either facial recognition or a password will let an intruder in.  

The facial recognition software means that it takes longer to log on, and reduces security.  Why would anyone want to to use it?

211 Posts

September 22nd, 2013 05:00

Hi Tony. Sorry to hear about your experiences with FastAccess. At your convenience, please contact Sensible Vision and we would love to help. 

I can say confidently that your recognition rate should be better. There may be something wrong with your specific copy or setup that we can help with. I would  normally expect at least 93% recognition in a given location - perhaps even higher. I personally get around 99% recognition in my own office. I have an excellent track record addressing such issues. 

As for access by the Windows password, this is expected, necessary and actually a good thing. All security under Windows is ultimately based on the Windows password. All biometrics also work this way. They are ultimately only as secure (at logon) as the password they're based on (though FastAccess can increase security in other ways such as locking the desktop when you walk away). 

  1. Access by password MUST be an option should the camera (or fingerprint reader, etc.) ever not be available for some reason. To do otherwise could lock the user out of the machine entirely - obviously not acceptable. 
  2. "Enrollment" (learning of the face) must be based on entry of a secure password to begin with. Because the face (or fingerprint or iris, etc.) is based on the password, the password must by definition be trusted.  
  3. If there was no trusted alternate logon (and again this is true for all biometrics), then the user would need to be recognized 100% of the time. This really isn't possible because we're human, we change and our environment changes, but it's also not wise. To get 100% recognition the "match tolerance" would need to be so wide that incorrect recognitions would become common...a true reduction in security. 

Once we get your recognition issue resolved, if you want an additional level of security you can absolutely get that with FastAccess. In version 4.X, try enabling "Two Factor" authentication. All security experts agree that two factors are always more secure than one. 

I look forward to working with you at your convenience.

Darin - Sensible Vision tech support

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

September 22nd, 2013 12:00

Tony Hays,

I don't have problems with the login. After you log in a few times, it get better at recognizing your face.

The only issues with Fast Access Facial Recognition Software, if you use Mozilla Firefox, every time Mozilla Firefox updates, then Fast Access will not log you in to websites. It does get very tiring typing passwords that can be remembered without Fast Access, but if you disable the Fast Access add-on 1.6.7, you still cannot use the remember password feature that Mozilla Firefox permits.

Hopefully Darin would get this feature enabled, again and try to keep up to date, when Firefox updates about once a month.


211 Posts

September 22nd, 2013 13:00

Thanks Rick. You are very correct about Firefox. Unfortunately, they don't give us any head's up as to what changes they're making or when and - more often than is necessary in my opinion - their changes are severe enough to affect the Web Login feature (as well as Extensions from a lot of other manufacturers I've noted).

We will be releasing an update in the very near future to address their latest update. This particular new version has taken a bit longer than usual as we're attempting to re-code the Firefox Extension from the ground up in a way that will -- hopefully -- prevent more such disruptions going forward. In the meantime, you should be able to continue to use your website list as expected in both IE and Chrome. 



9 Legend


30.3K Posts

January 9th, 2014 06:00


From a cold boot, it takes about 90 seconds to turn on the webcam. In my opinion, that's a very long time.

If the webcam does not come on after the 90 seconds, then you may have a webcam issue.

After the computer is on for the initial 90 seconds, Fast Access Facial Recognition Software works great.

You can manually type your password to login, then after you login, right click on the Fast Access icon in the system tray, near the clock, Configure Fast Access, and you'll see...

Click on Security, Security Settings, then you can click on Turn Fast Access off.

I really do keep it on, but it does take too long to turn on at startup. Iy you manually sign it, you can use it when you go away from the computer and come back.

Web login can be a problem, since Firefox updates almost every month and they don't keep up with the update, so I disabled the web login(got tired of manually typing in the passwords)


1 Message

January 9th, 2014 06:00

I am looking to turn off or essentially remove it completely. In my case it doesn't turn on my cam 50% of the time and I have to 'cold boot" the laptop 2 or 3 times to get it to access the webcam. If I just try a restart it wont access the cam.

September 22nd, 2014 21:00

Hi Darin,

What if you don't remember the password and face recognition doesn't work, how can you overwrite it or get new password?

16 Posts

September 23rd, 2014 08:00

FastAccess only mirrors the user’s account password from Windows. The software itself doesn’t store the password, and is unable to overwrite an existing password(or delete an existing password to create a new one).

So, you will need to take the same precautionary steps to backup your account password(in Windows), as you would do if FastAccess wasn’t installed.

Google- “How to create a Windows password reset disk”

1 Message

March 26th, 2015 18:00

why don't you just uninstall it !!!

1 Message

May 16th, 2015 07:00

Well, I tried uninstalling it and it does not work.  For some reason, the uninstall only lasts a couple of log ins before it comes right back like you never tried to uninstall it.  This program is like a virus.

16 Posts

May 18th, 2015 07:00

Hi SGF1974-

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. The reinstalling behavior that you’re seeing with FastAccess, has recently come to our attention. We found that the problem is due to the Dell digital delivery program caching the FastAccess installer file. FastAccess has no control over the automatic reinstallation of the software. Dell is in the process of addressing this problem in their digital delivery software.

 In order to stop the auto reinstall from happening again, you will need to delete the Dell digital delivery program, under programs and features in Windows. I’ve listed steps to do this below for you. Once you’ve deleted the Dell digital download program, uninstall FastAccess one more time and reboot.


Please contact our support team if you need further assistance.  support @





Delete the Dell digital delivery program:


1.        Open Control Panel

2.        Select Programs and Features

3.        Locate the Dell digital delivery entry and double-click on it

4.        Confirm to uninstall- Press the “Yes” button

5.        Accept all of the prompts during uninstall

6.        Restart PC


Next, uninstall FastAccess:


1.        Open Control Panel

2.        Select Programs and Features

3.        Locate the FastAccess entry and double-click on it

4.        FastAccess installer/setup box will show- Press the next button

5.        Select the “Remove all config files”- Press next button

6.        Accept all of the prompts during uninstall

7.        Restart PC

1 Message

August 18th, 2015 06:00

It worked ONCE for me. Since then, it requires me to sign in with the password EVERY time. Good idea, but at this point, it is just a big waste of time.

As soon as I finish this post , it is getting disabled. My desktop sits in my living room. I don't really need a password at all, let alone two factor security.

November 5th, 2015 12:00

Hi, I could use other suggestions. My mother just passed away and I got her laptop. I want to know what I can do to get into her comp. She has our family history on it pictures that cannot be replaced. What can I do?

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 5th, 2015 16:00


You can still access your Mother's account using her password. Fast Access Facial Recognition is NOT needed to login.

Microsoft policy about lost or forgotten passwords


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