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This post is more than 5 years old


December 8th, 2015 19:00

Distorted audio on XPS 13


I've been experiencing this issue ever since I received my XPS 13. It was rarely happening at first, but lately I've been hearing it more and more while watching youtube or listening to music. It is really getting annoying, to the point that I can't even listen to music on my laptop. If I try to use headphones it doesn't help either. I've had this laptop since September 30th of this year.

I've recorded this issue on my cell phone and posted it on the following link:

Can this possibly be fixed with a driver update or is it the hardware that's not functioning properly?

Please help!


5 Posts

February 12th, 2017 06:00

My problem with the distorted audio got worse and worse over time. In the beginning I had it 1 in 10 times. Lately 90%. Googling again for our problem I came to this page:

It makes no sense that disabled C states for the CPU for an internally wired soundcard should help. Unless the Realtek is connected by USB, but that would be weird engineering. But for the last 10 songs with several different playback programs I do not have distorted sound.

Could anybody check whether the disabling of the C state in the bios helps them as well? If I am helped by a slightly worse battery life than that is fine with me.

25 Posts

February 14th, 2017 20:00

I've been battling with this for a few months with my XPS 13. I have tried 101 things without luck.....the next step is a reformat and rebuild of OS and software. I'm on Win 10 Pro Anniversary.

However, I have noticed that it ONLY occurs when the Memory usage is at or above 70% (check Task Manager) - so if Chrome is open then pretty much guaranteed to distort sound :(

February 15th, 2017 21:00

I have a high pressure Skype job interview coming up and now I'm concerned about the likely occurrence of this audio distortion happening in the middle of the interview.

Will my XPS 13 cost me a job opportunity? It shouldn't even be a factor.

3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

February 15th, 2017 22:00

Will my XPS 13 cost me a job opportunity? It shouldn't even be a factor.

Since I do not know what XPS 13 model you are using, all I might suggest is to use the latest driver from Dell.
If that does not fix you problem, download the latest driver from Realtek.  Uninstall the current Realtek audio and choose to remove all drivers.  If the Microsoft basic drivers show as the new drivers then continue to the next step.  If it still show a Realtek driver then uninstall again until you see the Microsoft drivers.
Then install the drivers you downloaded from Realtek...
I don't know of much else to recommend, except check your internet connection and make sure it is adequate, check your processor utilization to make sure it is not overloaded, and if necessary, change your power scheme to best performance to see if that helps.  Shutdown anything else running and since Chrome seems to use quite a bit of memory, make sure you are not using it.
Utilities running in the background may be interfering with the performance in a way which introduces distortion in an audio stream.  You are the only one who can find any such situations.  If you go through a Router, see if it has options regarding QoS...

1 Message

March 5th, 2017 20:00

I am yet another Dell XPS 13 with exactly this same problem.

You might be on to something with suggesting that it has to do with memory usage.

Distortion occurs randomly when streaming videos. When I close the browser, wait for the RAM usage to go down, reopen the same browser and stream the same video without touching any audio settings, the distortion is gone..

6 Posts

April 12th, 2017 10:00

I get this issue on my XPS 13 as well. I've tried a variety of different drivers with no luck. I'm quite tired of it.

I haven't monitored RAM to see if there's coincidence... but it seems like it could be. After I reboot, the problem goes away for a while, then once it comes back it repeats pretty quickly.

A relatively quick workaround for the issue (in order to not have to reboot) is to disable and reenable the audio hardware. This makes the distortion stop for a while at least.

I found a script online which makes this doable by executing a command file. Put the following code (from "rem" thru "exit") into a .bat file, then double click to execute. It'll ask for permission, then it'll restart the appropriate audio hardware. I think it needs to be "run as administrator" which you can set by right-clicking the file, going to Properties, then setting the "run as administrator" check box.

rem Written for buggy audio drivers that need to be restarted
rem In my case, the Claro 8.18 drivers bug out every once in a while on Windows 10, and need restarting to not sound poppy

@echo off
goto check_Permissions

echo Administrative permissions required to run this script. Checking...

net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
goto gotAdmin
) else (
goto UACPrompt

pause >nul

pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"
net stop audiosrv /y
net stop AudioEndpointBuilder /y
net start audiosrv
net start AudioEndpointBuilder
rem This next line is just for my configuration, or anyone else that has Razer headphones
rem net start RzSurroundVADStreamingService

echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
set params = %*:"=""
echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c ""%~s0"" %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

April 14th, 2017 05:00

I get this issue on my XPS 13

Hello. Thank you for taking the time to post your solution. It would be helpful for me if you would reply back with the full model name of the laptop (XPS 9343, 9350, 9360, etc.). Thanks.

1 Message

May 18th, 2017 18:00

Same problem here, came to this thread looking for solutions and it appears that after a year there are still none. I have the XPS 13 9343 and am frustrated by the problem, I am posting here to add to the growing list of XPS owners reporting the same symptom.

6 Posts

June 9th, 2017 17:00


Sorry, only just noticed your request! I would not call the script I posted a "solution" but rather a "workaround". A solution would be updated drivers that fix the problem, which I have still not discovered.

My laptop is an XPS 13 9343 (system sku 0665, whatever that means). Currently running all of the latest BIOS and drivers that I have found. Still experiencing the issue from time to time. Still incredibly annoying (but not as bad as the previous issues w/ space bar adding spaces all of the place or the cursor jumping around, both of which were nearly completely fixed by BIOS updates I think).

1 Message

June 10th, 2017 21:00

Does this work for sure?

I am using a Inspiron 15-3552 4.0.13 and I have this issue all the time. It's driving me nuts that I cannot find a simple solution. I don't no much about the BiOS or how to do disable the C-state. Could you leave some instructions to help me out?

4 Posts

June 11th, 2017 11:00

Well after almost 2 years this issue was never fully fixed. Updating drivers works for a little while but soon enough the distorted audio comes back.

I tried ALL the fixes out there and nothing fixed the problem permanently. It always creeps back and it's so annoying and frustrating! Especially considering that this laptop cost me more than $1500! Laptops that I bought in high school that cost $200 didn't have such an issue.

Which is really sad for Dell. I tried my best to avoid buying a Macbook and Dell XPS 13 looked like the best option. I don't think I will ever make this mistake again. Soon I will be selling off my XPS 13, enough is enough.

4 Posts

June 11th, 2017 11:00

I guess the answer is simple, at least for me, never buy Dell again. If their high end laptops are like this then why would I look at buying anything else from them again!?

5 Posts

June 12th, 2017 03:00


Each BIOS is different so can't help you with that. Furthermore did disabling the C-state in the end not fully solve the problem. It got less, but did not go away completely.


Agree 100%! Next laptop will be an Asus UX490 for me.

4 Operator


13.6K Posts

June 14th, 2017 06:00

My laptop is an XPS 13 9343

I would not call the script I posted a "solution" but rather a "workaround".

Right. I added a paragraph in the XPS 9343 section of the Recent Issues FAQ, with a link to this thread. Thank you.

August 11th, 2017 14:00

I'll go on record here: XPS 13-9343 now off warranty (was a replacement for earlier XPS 13-L322X with a dead cooling fan/motherboard).

I've had this static problem ever since receiving this model in 2016--also had the problem on the old version. Have tried everything short of clean reinstall of Win10 (problem predates Win10). All BIOS and drivers are current. Definitely has a connection to CPU usage--I'll hear weird distortion at times when overloading the CPU, but that's different than the static which just pops up at random times. Previously, the only way to fix the static was to shut down and reboot; then I read the post about going into the speaker properties and switching between 16 and 24 bit settings. That solves the static temporarily. Lately, I'm being forced to switch sometimes 8+ times a day. The issue is coming from the sound card, affecting the headphone out jack, which powers my external speakers.

I have now run the BAT script shown above. We'll see if this works--certainly easier to click on a file on the desktop than going into speaker properties.

For the price of this notebook, having a sound issue like this is ridiculous. Having DELL not offer a solution is worse.

Grant Iannelli

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