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February 5th, 2015 11:00

Fan noise on XPS 13 (9343, Early 2015)


I just received my XPS 13 and the fan noise is louder than I was expecting.  It is on almost constantly and will spin up and down repeatedly.

Is this normal, all I have really done is install office and some other apps.  Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Thanks for any advice offered

3 Posts

February 19th, 2015 15:00

UPDATE: It's been ok for the last week, except once in a while which I guess is normal and it's not as loud and cracking as before.

February 19th, 2015 16:00

did you received the new replacement yet ? is the fan with same issue ?

i just got mine yesterday same as your and same fan issue. 

Ar they send you the replacement and the will collect the old one at the same time when you got the delivery ,

Or you have to send it first ?


6 Posts

February 19th, 2015 20:00

Alright, so my replacement came in two days ago. As far as I can tell, the fan still comes on randomly and stays on for a while. The weird thing is they both have QHD+ screens but my first laptop's screen looked like everything was tinier and the new one they sent me looked bigger. Both are at the 3800x1800 resolution. I'm thinking the issue could possibly be Dell's custom driver for the Intel HD 5500 or this can be fixed with a BIOS update.

And the fan on my first purchase was almost always on and it was LOUD. The replacement they sent me is the same but the fan isn't as loud. I've messed around with the power plan settings and I don't know what to do anymore. I would like to know what the "Config TDP Level" mean though.

I was in class today and turned the laptop on, opened up Excel, and just left it alone for a few minutes. Out of no where, the fan kicked in and I was like "What the heck!? I had just turned the laptop on and opened Excel." I guess it requires that much processing power that the laptop got hot and the fan had to come one. Lol.

I do not know what to do anymore. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!! :)

I think return policy is 10 days after the replacement unit arrives. So I've got a few days to compare but that's if I feel like comparing. Lol. I doubt there will be any differences. 

February 20th, 2015 01:00

I think my issue might have been caused by Windows Installer Module.  I had a full day of no fan noise yesterday even though I ran the most demanding things on it yet and doing several things at once.  My suggestion is to make sure everything is updated with windows update and then leave it to cool.  Mine has been fine since the first 2 days after I bought it and I'm enjoying the laptop now.

I did find by googling that people have reported WIM to be causing this problem on other laptops such as the Windows Surface Pro as well.

1 Message

February 25th, 2015 12:00

So I have also recently taken delivery of a new XPS 13. It's from Dell UK so the only option available (at the time) was an i7 with QHD display and 256GB SSD. The machine itself is good, but the fan noise is both loud and frequent...I have to admit, I'm very disappointed. 

Even when just browsing simple web pages the fan kicks in and stays on for a long time. I've not updated all the system software yet (the Dell website seems to suggest there is some newer software available) so I might try that, but given the trouble a lot of other people are having, my hopes aren't high.

Would be nice if Dell could pass comment on this, or at least offer some constructive suggestions as to how to address the issue.

6 Posts

February 26th, 2015 11:00


I've had the new unit for a little over a week now. The fan issue was still there just like my first one but the fan wasn't as loud. It'll still spin up and stay on for a long period of time. Whatever task I did on the laptop, the fan would kick in and stay on. But this new unit wasn't as bad as the first one Dell sent me.

Yesterday, Wednesday, Feb 25, 2015, there was a BIOS update. I think its A01? I  downloaded it and installed it. So far so good.  Fan isn't coming on like how it used to. Light task on the laptop and the fan stays off. I do notice that moderate/heavy use and the fan will be like it was before, comes on and stays on. But at least now it is a little quieter. Did this fix the issue? I honestly do not know but my unit is "better" now.

Also, I notice this laptop gets warm quickly and stays warm. Whether the fan is on or not, it gets warm. And when I play games (League of Legends) the fan automatically comes on and it stays on (supposed to of course) and the laptop gets really warm, not hot. I also wonder if this is the problem why my FPS keeps jumping between 20 to 60? Game is never smooth to play even on low settings. I have SpeedFan installed and I look at my temperatures all the time. Its always above 40 degrees celsius to 65 degrees celsius. After playing games, the laptop stays really warm and the fan stays on for over an hour! I've timed it on my phone. (Happens most of the time, not all the time.)

I've read the "professional" reviews and watched the youtube review videos. All the review units seem to be "perfect." No fan kicking in unless heavy usage, laptop doesn't get warm/hot, battery life is great (I only get about 4-5 hours and that's with light/moderate use), and whatever else. Something's wrong here. Lol.

Laptop is built great, looks great, and feels great. But my biggest issue is the fan, heat on the keyboard on the left side, and FPS dropping in games no matter what the settings. These are just my opinions. Other than that, laptop is great. And I hope you guys are having better luck with your unit and hopefully the BIOS update fixed your issue like it "kind of" did to mine. :)

Anyways, hope you guys are having better luck with your laptop. I'll update if anything new happens or if it gets "better."

130 Posts

February 28th, 2015 01:00

Unfortunately dell has implemented an incredibly dumb on-off fan control system on recent models that can't be changed or overridden.

Doesn't matter what settings you try to apply through the Power Options, you're stuck with the fan coming on really early (~50C) and not shutting off until the machine is stone cold (~30C). This is despite most CPUs being happy up to 100C.

Quite how they think one fan control scheme can suit all the possible usage scenarios I don't know.  Laptops especially can be used in loud/quiet/hot/cold/damp/dry environments, under light/heavy use, with the lid is open/closed, docked/undocked, on mains power or off battery...

Dell are moving to a new "Power Manager 2" utility that offers thermal modes but I'm not sure what models (if any) actually support it yet.  I know my Latitude E5440 won't support them until a July BIOS update (almost 2 years after the model launched!).

Only hope is to keep complaining about poor fan control everywhere you can online and maybe Dell will get the message.  Recent experience of Toshiba and HP machines shows they do it so much better.

1 Message

March 3rd, 2015 21:00



March 3rd, 2015 22:00

So I have the Microsoft Signature edition i5 256gb QHD+ version and after updating the bios to the newest version have had the fan consistently turn on. It used to only turn on when plugged in and charging (Unplugged never heard it) however now it is turning on intermittently while unplugged as well.

Is there a reason why the fan stays on while plugged? I have checked the setting in the Dell Command Power Manager as well as the setting in the power options its self (system cooling policy is passive for both plugged and unplugged). CPU is not being overworked by antivirus software or any other software.

What else is there that can be done? Should I just return it and switch to the Matte Finish one that doesnt seem to be having these problems?

130 Posts

March 4th, 2015 12:00

I'm not sure there's any difference between Dell laptops made in the last 2-3 years, they all suffer from bad fan control.  Main issue is it becomes almost impossible for the fan to switch off once the machine is fully warmed through (after a couple of hours).

If you guys go as far as returning your machines can you please make it crystal clear it's due to stupid fan control.  Despite the rising number of complaints online about all models I'm not sure the message is getting through to Dell that fan control/noise is a major annoyance.

I'm currently using a HP Probook at work (similar spec to my E5440), the fan is near silent and only used when the CPU is under load.  In contrast my Dell fan randomly comes on like a hairdryer and it stays on far too long, pointlessly blowing cold air.

March 4th, 2015 16:00

On a quick side note, is anyone else getting tiny play back controls in youtube and other video websites using mozilla? Or choppy youtube video using chrome? I really dont want to be forced into using IE as my browser.

March 4th, 2015 17:00

I been using as usual Crome since , my xps 13 on  YouTube is freezing when watching 4k videos  also laptop getting hot quick well on Internet Explorer is different is working well 4k videos. did end anyway with laptop replacement bot yet received  due fan mecanic noise  and running continues.  Hope a new one will be without issues.

March 5th, 2015 00:00

I can confirm this!

March 5th, 2015 04:00

Open Firefox, about:config

search for "layout.css.devPixelsPerPx" and set it to e.g. 1.5 or 2. Firefox doesn't handle hidpi all that well yet. You might also give the addon AutoHiDPI a try, it failed on me most of the time, though (it does nothing but change the config-value specified above automatically, depending on screen width).

My i7/512/QDH+ is whisper-quiet so far, astonishingly. I had a Surface Pro 3 with i7/256 before, which was constantly shouting at me with it's fans, but this one is really inaudible most of the time, with the same software installed and tasks running.

6 Posts

March 5th, 2015 11:00

I have the same problems. got the i7 with qhd+.

the fan also makes a wobbling sound when i move the notebook. If this wouldnt be a new mashine , i would guess the fan is about to die. I updated the bios today and it made a little difference. the fan does not stop so aprupt and starts "later". However this is no option for me. Ill keep trying over the weekened but if i dont notice a difference ill return the notebook and try with the i5 1080p version. Dont need the touch and cant imagen an application for it... . 

@dell: i hope you are working with all efforts on a solution! this is bullshit in a nice cover and awesome display... 

Edit: further more i noticed a wobbling sound if the fans runs an the notebook is tilted a bit. 

Also ich watch on a second screen netflix and the video (NOT AUDIO) started laggen for 0.5 sek, (in a 45 min series about 5 times... ). Furthermore the trackpads reaktion is not really good. It jumps a bit when the i uses it ( just the innitialising movement).


 so i just recorded the wobbly sound of the fan. does anyone else have similarities?

Sound on the video is sadly a bit low. But you hear it when i move the notebook in the vid.

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