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June 24th, 2009 05:00

Graphical issues with 9800M GT in Sli mode on M1730 and external monitor Acer AL2623W

  • Laptop: XPS M1730
  • Video: 9800M GT Sli
  • OS: Vista SP2 x64
  • Drivers: dell 179.48, nividia 186.03, 185.85
  • Games: Enemy Territory Quake Wars, Guild Wars

Dell XPS M1730 with 9800M GT gives graphical issues in several games when SLi is enabled. The youtube movie gives an example of the graphical  issues I experience in the game Enemy Territory Quake Wars (ETQW).

Problems only exist when Sli is enabled. I have tried different driver versions from dell and nvidia website. The newest drivers are now installed. I tried all the different rendering modes. The only mode where I have no issues is the single GPU rendering mode. I also changed the single display or dual display setting. I tried to enable and disable the vertical sync. The graphical issues come forward in several games, including ETQW en GW.

Help with finding the solution is greatly appreciate. I Especially want to know if this is a hardware issue, because in that case I would like to sent my laptop for repair

3 Posts

July 16th, 2009 10:00

Dell came again and replaced the video card again. Now I got a 2x 9800m GTX instead of a 2x 9800M GT. Now all my problems are gone.

So it seemed to have been a combination of the video card and monitor not being compatible with each other.

3 Posts

July 12th, 2009 04:00

Last week Dell replaced my video card in the laptop. This did not resolve the problem. So the problem should have a different cause.

I don't use the laptop screen as a primary display, I use the Acer AL2623W for that. This is a 26inch monitor running at a resolution of 1920x1200 at 60Hz. The movie i recorded is from that display.

So i tried to disconnect this external display, the result was that ETQW works without any problems! But I would rather play on my external monitor than on the laptop screen.

I bought a new DVI cable to connect to the display, this does not solve the problem. I connected my laptop to my TV through a DVI --> HDMI cable. This also solved the problems.

So it seems my external display is somehow incompatible with my laptop when it is running in SLi.

Does anyone have a idea if i can solve this?

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