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This post is more than 5 years old


17 Posts


September 12th, 2008 22:00

Looking for an NVidia Go 7900 GTX (or GS) or NVidia Go 7950 GTX -- static killed mine!

My current NVidia Go 7900 GTX with 512MB video memory (in my XPS M1710) went bust, so I need it replaced. It seems that Dell only sells them refurbished at this point, but only if available and right now, they don't have any...There're some available on eBay but only at an outrageous prices...


If you're intested here's what happend to my current NVidia Go 7900 GTX: I had my laptop connected to my HD TV running Windows XP Media Center, watched a show, took a break and when I came back the display was frozen (no response to moving the mouse or CTRL-ALT-DEL). Upon rebooting the system, all I saw was a blank screen -- not even the intial BIOS/boot screen showed -- blank all the way apparently until Windows XP finished rebooting (jugding by HDD activity), at which point the whole system froze -- the XPS chassis LEDs and power LED remained on while the harddrive stopped. Even the system's fans turned off COMPLETELY (putting my ear to the system, no sound whatsoever) after a short delay, which should NEVER happen when there's still power going through the system. I found later that I could still operate the laptop in 800x600 resolution (normally 1920 x something) but only when using an external VGA monitor (using the LCD either results in a black screen or a complete lock-up as described above). Running Dell Diagnostics and selecting the graphic card and LCD tests, I found that the LCD worked fine in all tests (under these conditions it worked without locking up the system) but that the graphic card tests returned video memory read/write errors (error code 5300:0119).


My guess is that the card may have gone bust over time as a result of connecting it to a TV frequently and thereby exposing it to static electricity from touching the S-Video cable (sometimes the metal portion) and inserting it into the corresponding interface on the laptop.

Message Edited by mesame on 09-12-2008 06:02 PM
Message Edited by mesame on 09-12-2008 06:10 PM

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

September 12th, 2008 22:00






17 Posts

September 12th, 2008 23:00



Thanks for the links. Wow, $595 for a 7900GTX (512MB) is a staggering price but it's actually still new. The $249 for the 7900GS (256MB) seems much more acceptable -- I might just go for that.


Do you happen to know the Dell part number for the 7950GTX



Message Edited by mesame on 09-12-2008 08:00 PM

80 Posts

September 13th, 2008 13:00


You should have a look at ebay, here's a link to NVIDIA GO stock


Part No.

UF814 - 256MB Graphics Card (7900Go GS)

YF227 - 512MB Graphics Card (7900Go GTX or 7950Go GTX)


17 Posts

September 13th, 2008 20:00

Thanks for the link! Thanks to that, I just discovered another prospect on eBay I had previously not seen. Now if there was only a 7900 GTX or 7950 GTX at a decent price... for under $250 I might opt to downgrade my system to a 7900 GS or staight 7900, given that the other two cards are not to be had for under $350. The lower end cards would make the system useable again and while they'd further reduce the list of playable games on this laptop, even the 7950 GTX wouldn't be able to extend that list by too much. Most of today's more demanding 3D games are already not playable on this system anymore, regardless of the graphics card.


Based on what's listed on eBay, it seems that the part # for the Go 7950 GTX is GU067.



50 Posts

September 15th, 2008 07:00

You can also get a Dell FX2500M card for a Dell M90 at about$200.00 on Ebay.This card will work in the M1710.I have done it myself.Its just the Nvidia Quardo workstation version of the 7900GTX 512MB card.Its actually the same card.Just before the cards shipped out of the factory,one card is flashed with the FX2500M bios and one is flashed with the 7900GTX bios.,Both are 512MB video ram.Only thing you may have to do is make sure you have the latest Dell M1710 system bios.Thats it.






17 Posts

September 15th, 2008 09:00

esd safe,


thanks for the tip! I couldn't find an FX2500m (Dell p/n CG129/YF209) on eBay below ~$250 but even at that price its decent, and for sure it's great to know that there's another option. It looks like the FX3500m (Dell p/n PR004) would work, too, which is said to be an equivalent to the 7950 GTX.


Maybe it wasn't just static that killed my card after all... I read about how other people experienced NMI (memory parity) errors before their card went out (resulting in video memory errors and vertical lines). I experienced the same thing (very unpredicatably) for almost a year before...

17 Posts

September 20th, 2008 01:00

I purchased an nVidia Quadro FX 2500M with 512MB from eBay and installed it today. The card seems to work fine and puts my m1710 just about back in business ... if I could set the resolution higher than 800x600 (or so). As it is now, setting the resolution higher doesn't appear to have any effect other than that the higher res setting is reflected in numbers (i.e. the Settings tab in the Windows' Display Properties dialog says 1600x1200 (or whatever I set it to) now as opposed to 800x600).


esd safe, you had mentioned updating the BIOS may be neccessary -- I'm confused about this though: you're suggesting to update the system BIOS, while I have found references on the web suggesting that the BIOS of the Quadro FX 2500M should be flashed with the 7900 GTX BIOS.


Can anyone clearify which BIOS needs to be updated and if its the graphics card's BIOS, where it can be found?



Message Edited by mesame on 09-19-2008 09:23 PM

87 Posts

September 20th, 2008 04:00


There is no need to flash the bios on the video card, I used for some time a FX2500M in my old 9400 and it played games just fine. If anything the system bios will need to be updated but i doubt it.

I could set my resolution at 1900 x 1200 no problem.

Hasve you installed the right video card drivers for that card? You can use the dell drivers from the M90 or you can go to and use there mobileforce drivers which work great or you can go to and use theirs.


Edit:  The difference between the 7900GTX & FX2500M is very minimal, attempting to flash the card to a GTX is really not worth it as you will see no improvement in performance a little better in picture quality but nothing to write home about.  And there's always the risak you could brick your new card if things go wrong.  If you need the cd with the video card bios roms them please drop me a pm and i give you the download link from my web space. 

Message Edited by doughy on 09-20-2008 06:57 AM

17 Posts

September 20th, 2008 10:00

It turns out that the next reboot fixed my problem (rather unexpectedly, since XP showed no sign of having even attempted to install new hardware (upon first boot) but had already identified the card in the Display Properties dialog just fine).


Even so, I noticed, that now instead of having the nVidia Control panel menu item in the desktop-right-click pop-up, I now had a different menu item, something like nVidia Display, which led me to the nVidia advanced driver control panel. This wouldn't have been a probelm if it had allowed me to make the proper adjustments in order to display the complete desktop on my HD TV screen when connected to the laptop via the S-Video output. Since it didn't, I looked around for an updated display driver from Dell, which I found  and which updated the driver from v84.69 to v174.31 (per its description it was only meant for the GeForce 7900 GTX but ended up working just fine for GeForce Quadro FX 2500m) and returned the nVidia Control Panel desktop menu item to the desktop-right-click-popup menu. That said, the nVidia Control Panel that came with this driver looks a bit different and I haven't tried using it yet for adjusting how the desktop is displayed when connected to my HD TV, but I'm hopeful that it'll work.


I would like to get a hand on the Go 7900 GTX BIOS, just in case... I'll PM you about it.


I didn't know about there being any difference in the display quality between the FX 2500m and the Go 7900 GTX but what you mentioned in regards the performance difference confirms what I've read elsewhere on the web. At this point it actually seems as if the display of the Quadro is just a little cripser than what I had seen before with the Go 7900 GTX but I may be wrong. Physically, the two cards look indistinguishable to me if it weren't for their labels.


Thanks a lot for your help!

1 Message

December 29th, 2008 18:00

I have the same video card is fried.

I'm also out of question is if I can replace my Nvidia Geforce Go 7950 GTX with 256Mb to a Nvidia Geforce Go 7950 GTX with 512Mb? Are they compatible? I own the XPS M1710 for 18 months now and I really want it to work again.

Those links above are a good find...anyone can help me with my question? very much apreciated 

Thanks a lot!


July 13th, 2009 18:00

Well known Heat issue with these 7950 gtx cards that will all fail its all a matter of time and just ask all 7950 gtx customers to monitor the temps and post them back.

98 deg c will kill the memory and this is what happens time and time and time again.

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