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This post is more than 5 years old


December 18th, 2009 03:00

ST1747: 7x Bios beeps - Core i7 throttling - too less A/C adapter

more and more ST1747 users reports about reducted clock rates of their Intel Core i7, if similary their graphics adapter (ATI HD4650) is under heavy load! But the worse is yet to come, some Core i7 quits working, 7x Bios Beep, Game over, sudden death of the CPU! :emotion-45:

Update: the 7x Beep issue seems to be fixed since Bios A06!

if you have more suggestions for this list, don´t hasitate to inform/contact me!

►Core i7 Throttling
under simultaneous full load of CPU and GPU, Core i7 CPU throttles down to averaged 4x 1100 - 1400 MHz

►Performance between battery and AC power
most Studios runs with a bit more performance if only battery is connected

►Hot 90 watt a/c adapters
under fully load, the serially 90 watt adapter seems to work at/above its performance limit - temperatures over 70°C are not acceptable
 call your local Dell support for a free 130 watt adapter.

►Problems resuming from sleep and/or hibernate
if the 1747 "sleeps" more than 30-60 minutes it´s possible that it don´t resume anymore but turn it off&on "hard" by holding power-button

►Problems with playing FullHD-Streams
freezing/jerking, max. loaded and almost non-responding Studios if playing a FullHD-stream, e.g. Youtube
 possible solution, please look here. New Dell ATI driver in progress.

►Permanent running fan
fan starts causeless running at increased speed shortly after turning the 1747 on. Fan keeps blowing at increased speed, even if Windows boots all over and CPU idles - because of the still-blowing fan only at ~32° C. You can stop the fan only with a reboot or by stressing CPU - if temperature reaches 48°+C, fan slows down to lowest level. Turn off stress test, temperature drops below 48°C, fan turns off then. Confirmed by several users. 4 new users reported me this curious issue in the last few days!

►Too less temperature range for fan
fan needs an extended temperature range in office mode. At the moment fan turns on at ~53°C and off at ~48°C. That causes the fan to start&stop every 10-15 seconds, very bothering

►Cutted sound
If the IDT sound "idles" for a while and you play then any sound, the first ~0.5 seconds are cutted! This happens only one time, following sounds are played correctly! If you stop and wait a few minutes, the next sound after this idle time is cutted again

►Not enough power to USB ports and Firewire
There are pages upon pages of various users all experiencing the same issues.

take also a l@@k at German Studio 1747 FAQ @ Hardware Luxx forum | sorry for my rookie englisch! ^^

12 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 02:00

Cancel it, buy a sony or hp what ever.

To be honest, HP are as bad, if not worse than Dell when it comes to acknowledging issues with their laptops. Just do a search for "HP lies" in the search engine that rhymes with shpoogle.


January 22nd, 2010 02:00

you are right that might be true. Most companies will i think. Only this particular product of dell is a faulty one wich you should not buy.

Ah hell, i'm buying a sony so i don't care!

15 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 02:00

Ok community,

here I am at last. I'm from ITALY and I've read your forum lately (unfortunately, as for many others, I did not know about it before buying).

My blood froze when I got to read your posts: as for all of you, I bought a New Dell Studio 1747, and I did at the beginning of this month, expecting to get it on late February 2010.

After I read the forum, few days ago I decided to ask Dell what was going on and to let me know EVERYTHING about any known issues they should tell to customers upon (or better prior to) ordering a new PC from them. The girl, who is following my order from the beginning, was kind of puzzled at first, then told me candidly (that's what it seemed by the tone of her voice) that they don't know anything about it, nor anyone from "upper floors" instructed them at all on any problems regarding this Notebook.

According to Dell, it looks like they are NOT HAVING ANY issues about this matter here in ITALY:  how can it be? she's been selling 20 of them everyday (that's what she said), and NEVER had a complaint on this matter from any customer so far (nothing about neither freezing nor fan speed nor throttling, and thus no need of a Bios/130wPSU updates/upgrades ! ). Moreover she firmly told me that so far customers are all enjoying the PC.

Nothing to say to her, I mean it looks to me she's been doing a good job, but apart from believing that Dell sells the only working 1747 laptops here, there are 2 reasons to this: is Dell Italy lying on these 1747 issues? or is Dell NOT passing on these informations to Dell Italy? Shall I still trust this company now and in the future? She told me to stay calm and to believe to what she said, and that's what I'm doing. Am I a fool?

I read very few posts from Italians: has ANYONE here in ITALY had any problem with this Notebook? Did you report it to Dell at all? Any answer from them? PLEASE all of you step  out! come out here and speak on this forum... any informations could be useful to anyone here and could make a difference to many.

I really hope everything can be solved  the soonest: this is my first notebook ever, and my very first Dell pc I have ever bought so far... don't want to regret it!

Thanks to AX-Turbo and thanks to everyone of you for bringing out this matter (and possible solutions)!


69 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 02:00

any news about a maybe A05 bios to definitely get rid off the 7 bips ?

any news about the power issue ?

anyone here having the same issue as me, that is to say launch a 3D game (dragon age origins), close it, launch a video (TV USB stick and pouchin tv mod) and face the graphics driver crash ... looping crash ?


and please, stop going off topic and asking about the core i5 or the sony power supply, or I don't know what ... this is not the place

67 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 04:00

@Dell Engineers another curious problem is coming up!

Some users in German hardware luxx forum reports from hangups, buckings, 100% load and almost no more responding Studios after a few minutes, if they watch a FullHD movie in full screen mode via stream (eg Youtube, seems not to depend on browser)! Other users tried this out and can reproduce this issue! One user finds out that the Video memory of the HD4650 is 100% reserved when this issue begins!


Not sure if Dell, Windows 7, Flash Plugin or ATI is the culprit, but check this out too! Its easy to reproduce!


12 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 04:00

Is this a browser specific issue? Or is it across IE and Firefox?

January 22nd, 2010 05:00

@Dell Engineers another curious problem is coming up!

Some users in German hardware luxx forum reports from hangups, buckings, 100% load and almoust no more responding Studios after a few minutes, if they watch a FullHD movie in full screen mode via stream (eg Youtube) and browser-independently! Other users tried this out and can reproduce this issue! One user finds out that the Video memory of the HD4650 is 100% reserved when this issue begins!


Not sure if Dell, Windows 7 or ATI is the culprit, but check this out too! Its easy to reproduce!




100% True! i had this problem yesterday.

People what ever you do give this laptop back to dell, and if you really want it wait until its 100% veryfied that it has NO PROBLEMS at all!!!


Best wishes



77 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 05:00

 I have the 90W A/C adapter and an Intel Core i7, and, I haven't any problem yet. I would say that my PC runs perfectly (except the sound driver) and my core i7 doesn't seem to be underclocked. Indeed I made some screenshots of CPU-Z.

Hello Julien,

None of your screenshots shows that the CPU would run on full clock. The max. multiplier on your screenshots is 15 (or was it 16)? According to my knowledge, the i7 820QM has a max multiplier of 23. The i7 720 probably is below this, but certainly not 8 (or 7) steps below.

So your screenshots just proof, that speed stepping (from multiplier 7 to something  does work -- no one here has claimed that it would not.

Actually, Dell representatives here on the forum already have acknowledged that there is a throttling problem, by informing that Dell is working on the problem.



2 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 05:00


Hi all,

I'm a French ST1747 user since January 7th, 2010.

I have the 90W A/C adapter and an Intel Core i7, and, I haven't any problem yet. I would say that my PC runs perfectly (except the sound driver) and my core i7 doesn't seem to be underclocked. Indeed I made some screenshots of CPU-Z.

- "Dell" : 

- "High performance" :


- "Normal mode" : 

- "Low performance" : 

I hope it can help you.

EDIT : I have the A04 BIOS.



69 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 07:00

@Dell Engineers another curious problem is coming up!

Some users in German hardware luxx forum reports from hangups, buckings, 100% load and almost no more responding Studios after a few minutes, if they watch a FullHD movie in full screen mode via stream (eg Youtube, seems not to depend on browser)! Other users tried this out and can reproduce this issue! One user finds out that the Video memory of the HD4650 is 100% reserved when this issue begins!


Not sure if Dell, Windows 7, Flash Plugin or ATI is the culprit, but check this out too! Its easy to reproduce!

Oh my god. Finally some people having more or less the same issue as me - video crashing the display interface forcing reboot.(see my looong unresponded thread here. you should read... and maybe "up" my topic ^^)

FYI, I found that the XPS16 owners are having the same issue here

common DELL !!! Give us some bios fixes !!!


67 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 07:00


Hi all,

I'm a French ST1747 user since January 7th, 2010.

I have the 90W A/C adapter and an Intel Core i7, and, I haven't any problem yet. I would say that my PC runs perfectly (except the sound driver) and my core i7 doesn't seem to be underclocked. Indeed I made some screenshots of CPU-Z.


Use any stress test (eg Everest system stability test) and run simultaneous ATI Tools artefact scan - then watch your CPU clock again...!  :emotion-32:


47 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 10:00

Not sure if the above fix is of any use or if some one is willing try it on the 17|( i have the 15 with similar problems), But as it is a possible fix it may be worth looking into.

I think the 2nd to last post on page7 is the best explanation of what to do, going to try it myself over the weekend to see what happens, if all else fails i may just load Ubuntu to see if that creates problems.



92 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 11:00

From Denmark!

Just  a simple qustion.. In denmark/nordic countries - dell only offers  the 1600x900 TL screen with the studio1747. Is there  a general problem with 1747´s with full HD screen and touch screens.. To begin with - Dell had the other options, but they had changed the web sites?? Next question is that Dell had a rebate on the 1747 until 20 of january, and suddently on the last day of rebate - dell extend the rebate one more week until the27 of january?? Maybe to get lost of the stock of 1747...???

I´m still waiting for a reason to buy dell studio 1747 i7

Any news??

4 Posts

January 22nd, 2010 11:00

@Dell Engineers another curious problem is coming up!

Some users in German hardware luxx forum reports from hangups, buckings, 100% load and almost no more responding Studios after a few minutes, if they watch a FullHD movie in full screen mode via stream (eg Youtube, seems not to depend on browser)! Other users tried this out and can reproduce this issue! One user finds out that the Video memory of the HD4650 is 100% reserved when this issue begins!


Not sure if Dell, Windows 7, Flash Plugin or ATI is the culprit, but check this out too! Its easy to reproduce!


Same problem here. i7 720, 1920x1080. Tested with latest firefox.

Waiting for fix...


1 Message

January 22nd, 2010 12:00

@Dell Engineers another curious problem is coming up!

Some users in German hardware luxx forum reports from hangups, buckings, 100% load and almost no more responding Studios after a few minutes, if they watch a FullHD movie in full screen mode via stream (eg Youtube, seems not to depend on browser)! Other users tried this out and can reproduce this issue! One user finds out that the Video memory of the HD4650 is 100% reserved when this issue begins!


Not sure if Dell, Windows 7, Flash Plugin or ATI is the culprit, but check this out too! Its easy to reproduce!



Had this problem from the 1st day i got this laptop, I googled the issue and it seems to be a problem with windows 7. When streaming right click the movie and select settings. Then uncheck enable hardware acceleration. Seen many streams in Full screen after this with zero problems.

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