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September 9th, 2014 02:00

NW8.1 + VBA FLR VMs networker requirements

Hi all,

must the vm ,i want to restore, be able to connect to my vba/ebr in order to restore it ?

I've seen you have to connect  via browser to my ebr from the vm that i want restore

thx in advance,


September 9th, 2014 02:00

If you want to restore a VM with NW8.1 you need to go to the VMware Webclient and issue the VM restore.

If you want to restore a file from a VM, you can perform this from the VM itself (and indeed need to point your web browser to the EBR). Adobe Flash is required.

You can perform this restore from a different VM as well, you only need to provide vSphere credentials (advanced login). For example, you are want to restore a file from VM1. Go to VM2 (which has Flash) and point your browser to the http://EBR:8580/flr. Advanced login will let you mount drives from all VM’s that were backed up. You can select the file and restore it to a local drive of VM2.


September 9th, 2014 02:00

Yes, that is correct. You need port 8580 open to the EBR.

Here is a cheat sheet which might come in handy!


September 9th, 2014 02:00

Thank you Nick,

so you confirm me that ,in order to use FLR , my VMs must be able to contact via browser the EBR ?

For example : i want restore 1 file from VM1 backup in VM1 --> from VM1 i must open the browser and point to my ebr (on specified port)


September 9th, 2014 03:00

Check with network team. Could also be a firewall issue.


September 9th, 2014 03:00

Thank you nick

I'm not able to open the link ..

so if i've VMs in several Vlan i must found a way for the connection to 1 EBR in a specific VLAN

kind regards,


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