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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 15th, 2024 08:52

VM Backup Slowness

Dear All,

We have Networker backup infra running 86 version for VMWare VM backups. The VM full backups are noticed as very slow compared to previous rates. recently we have upgraded the vproxies to the latest for FLR issue and some DAS release related.

The vproxy are configured as NBD mode for the backup, as there are some dependency issue with nutanix to configure backups as Hot-add. 

we have performed ddpconncheck and found the bandwidth and transfer are OK from DD and Vproxy log and check says the vproxy throughput shows more than 100MB/s. But in NMC the vmbackup transfer rate only shows below 10MB.

Is there something we miss to check or add in the configuration level or connectivity level ?.

How to get maximum transfer rate for VM backups in NBD mode.

1 Rookie


117 Posts

May 17th, 2024 13:02

you performed the ddpconnchk from the vproxy end I assume? or from where was the test performed? Dunno what transfer speeds would be that are deemed OK, based on the check?

the vm's are not using IDE virtual disks as those also degrade backup performance compared to SCSI virtual disks?

As we almost exclusively use Hotadd, we don't have too much experience with NBD. However the times we did, we also made sure that all the backups use the correct vproxy as we deal with multiple geographical locations. Don't wanna have one location use the vproxy of another in case Hotadd doesn't work and then it would use the vproxy that has NBD enabled. This as we have all of our policies configured without specifying which vproxy to use, which makes for easy deployments and configurations. However it can have undesired effects in certain situations, hence we restricted the vproxy that was supposed to only use NBD for specific datastores on that esxi cluster only, so that vm's on other clusters would not be able to use it as they would be located on other datastores. So if multiple locations are involved, make sure the correct vproxy is used, as any backup might use any vproxy with NBD, unlike Hotadd which restricts it to vproxies on esxi hosts within the same cluster only.

What is the issue wrg to Nutanix using Hotadd?


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