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This post is more than 5 years old



July 24th, 2004 23:00

Com port conflict

​I am getting "com port conflict" or "com port busy" error messages on my Dimension using a Conextant modem. Dell recommended that I uninstall and reinstall the modem or change the modem slot - tried both several times and no luck. There is no other program running. I checked the Device Manager and the modem is there and does not have a ! next to it. If anyone has a suggestion, I would be most grateful. Thank you. ​

4.8K Posts

July 25th, 2004 13:00


Does your computer have any fax software installed?


2 Posts

July 25th, 2004 15:00


I know it has some type of fax program although I have never used it. Do you think the problem might be in a fax set up?


4.8K Posts

July 25th, 2004 18:00


Look in Add/Remove programs inside Control Panel for any programs which may be fax programs.  You can uninstall the fax program and then restart your computer.  If the modem stops giving that error message, then the problem was the fax software. 


7 Posts

July 26th, 2004 13:00

I have exactly the same problem with the same modem.

The 23 Jul: no problem, I have the internet connexion with the modem on port COM3

The 24 Jul: The port COM3 is in conflict, opened by an other application. I have do nothing on the Pc between the 23 Jul OK-connexion and the 24 Jul error-connexion. No fax application run on my Pc.
If I try to change the COM3 port to another COM port, I have the conflict with all the COM ports.

8 Posts

August 1st, 2004 03:00

I've had a similar problem (error 633) since May when I got my Dim 8300.  I'm on my 3rd Conextant v92 modem and when the tech. installed it today he said it is making popping noises and will have to be replaced.  Starting in May I was sent a new modem recovery CD, and when that didn't work then a new modem.  Then they decided I had to reformat and was sent a 4-CD set of disks.  It was easy but didn't work.  (Better than the two support techs that wanted me to reformat with the disks that came with the system.)  It was then decided that my motherboard was bad.  It was replaced today along with the modem.  The modem (#2) was bad also and replaced with another refurbished modem that was sent with the motherboard.  When the tech. called in to tell Dell that the replacement modem (#3) also needed to be replaced they said they wouldn't until I have my phone line checked.  I have two lines and the modem is the same on both.  A lot of trial and error when they could have sent a tech to check it out 2 months ago.  This modem is about dead too. Terrible service.  Most support techs I was forced to get help from didn't have a clue.  I'll never buy another Dell.

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