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August 30th, 2015 14:00

Dell 1707 card Bluetooth connects to devices but devices don't work

I just purchased a Dell Inspiron 11 model 3147, which has the Dell 1707 WiFi and Bluetooth card installed.  The WiFi seems to work fine but I can not get Bluetooth to work properly.  Every time I pair a Bluetooth device it seems to pair correctly, but the device doesn't work.  I tried everything I can think of to get it working and no luck.  I have installed the new driver package from the support website, I have installed the updated BIOS and chipset drivers.  I even tried doing a factory reset to see if I had messed something up and that didn't help either.  When I first attempted to use Bluetooth last week after purchasing the computer, the paired devices would at least work for a few seconds and now they won't work at all.  Could the Dell 1707 card be faulty or is there something else that I can try?

14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 12:00

That did it - with WiFi turned off the Bluetooth mouse works fine.

1.8K Posts

September 1st, 2015 14:00


Are you running Windows 10 on that Inspiron 11, and if so, what bluetooth components are you trying to pair with?   Are you sure that each of those bluetooth components are compatible with Windows 10?  Did you use those bluetooth devices with other systems that are running another version of Windows?   If so, I assume they worked correctly?

I would assume that the card itself isn't faulty if the wireless connectivity is working fine.  You may want to consider reseating the wireless card to see if that helps.  Instructions on removing the wireless card start on page 26 of that pdf.  

You may also want to check out this bluetooth thread from Microsoft's boards.   

I was able to fix it.

I went into the classical Control Panel (C:/Windows/Systel32/Control.exe), opened "peripherals and printers", rightclick on "Bluetooth Keyboard", "Properties", going into the Tab "Services" and tick the box "Drivers for keyboard, mouce etc; (HID).

Apply and OK and my bluetooth keyboard reconnected and worked. Strangely, in the bluetooth device section, The keyboard is now marled as "connected", not as "paired". 

See if that fix will work for you.


14 Posts

September 1st, 2015 14:00

Thank you for your response, Todd.  Yes, I am running Windows 10 but I noticed the issue almost as soon as I took the system out of the box last week, before doing any updates.  I have an HP Bluetooth mouse and a pair of MGC Air-Fi Matrix 2 headphones. I have used those Bluetooth devices with other systems successfully, most notably a Dell Inspiron 15R model N5110 from 2011 (also running Windows 10, although not officially supported).  Both devices work flawlessly with that system, as well as a Nexus 5 mobile phone.  I have also reseated the wireless card, and made sure that the antenna wires were secure.  I did not notice any physical damage to the card or slot either, and the WiFi seems to work fine.  Last night I made contact with a technical support rep. who tried to inform me that the issue was Bluetooth 4.0 not being backwards compatible with older Bluetooth standards.  I just about lost it when he said that, and quickly pointed out to him that the headphones I was trying to use do in fact use Bluetooth 4.0.  This morning I made contact with another customer service rep. who tried a number of things, including putting an automated device repair app on my system, which reported that a problem had been fixed, but it was not.  The Dell Bluetooth suite was uninstalled and the latest version installed, to no effect.  As I write this my system is being restored using the Windows 10 restore tool, as instructed by a technical support rep.  

We are just about out of options I would say.  I am still within the 14 day store return period.  As much as I really like this device in every other way, unless I can get this issue resolved I will be forced to return it and look elsewhere for a competing system.

1.8K Posts

September 2nd, 2015 10:00

  As I write this my system is being restored using the Windows 10 restore tool, as instructed by a technical support rep.  

We are just about out of options I would say.  I am still within the 14 day store return period.  As much as I really like this device in every other way, unless I can get this issue resolved I will be forced to return it and look elsewhere for a competing system.


Did the Restore help resolve the problem?  Please let us know if you're still experiencing issues.


14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 03:00

Perhaps there is a clue for you in the event log from when I attempted to pair with the Bluetooth mouse:

Driver Management concluded the process to install driver bth.inf_amd64_6e5d1d4c2e1fa2ec\bth.inf for Device Instance ID BTHENUM\DEV_F065DD9CA504\9&178A1562&0&BLUETOOTHDEVICE_F065DD9CA504 with the following status: 0x0.

Device BTHENUM\Dev_F065DD9CA504\9&178a1562&0&BluetoothDevice_F065DD9CA504 requires further installation.

14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 03:00

No, the restore did not resolve the problem.  I am still experiencing the same issues.

14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 09:00

That is effectively what we did with the Windows 10 system restore. All drivers should all now be generic Microsoft drivers, correct?

1.8K Posts

September 3rd, 2015 09:00


So the current driver isn't communicating with those bluetooth devices.   When you were speaking with support did they have you totally remove the Dell provided drivers, reboot the system, and use the native bluetooth drivers that Windows 10 has?   If so, did that make any difference?


1.8K Posts

September 3rd, 2015 10:00

That is effectively what we did with the Windows 10 system restore. All drivers should all now be generic Microsoft drivers, correct?

Not necessarily.   If the system had the Dell drivers on it in the original image the restore would probably pull those drivers again.

One thing I would suggest you try is turning off the wireless on that card and see if bluetooth works better.  Hopefully it will create a full connection, not just a pairing, and when you turn wifi back on the connection will persist.


14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 11:00

I will try that, but it is not a long term solution

14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 12:00

And then it quit again. The mouse worked fine, then I turned WiFi back on. It kept working. I then connected a pair of Bluetooth headphones and played some music. The mouse quit working but music kept playing. I then stopped the music and turned off the headphones. The sound driver did not switch back to speakers. I switched to speakers manually and turned off mouse then turned it back on again and it did nothing. I turned off WiFi and tried mouse again, nothing. I rebooted and tried mouse again, nothing. I removed mouse as a Bluetooth device, then tried to pair again, got error "that didn't work, try again and make sure your mouse is still discoverable".

14 Posts

September 3rd, 2015 12:00

Also headphones do not connect

14 Posts

September 4th, 2015 04:00

I received an email from Niraj at Dell technical support who reviewed my support log.  He has agreed to send me a replacement Dell 1707 WLAN/BT card.  Hopefully that will resolve the issue.

14 Posts

September 7th, 2015 08:00

I have now been contacted via email by two other technical support specialists with conflicting agendas. Since as of today I am at the end of my 14 day grace period from original purchase, I really want to get a new Inspiron 11 3147 and try again.  This has been an extremely frustrating experience!  I understand that the support specialists need to go through their script and try to resolve the issue through software first, but at some point we must decide that it is a hardware issue and move on.  I don't want another support specialist walking me through doing a Windows 10 restore, and reinstalling the most recent drivers.  It's been done!

1.8K Posts

September 8th, 2015 11:00

I received an email from Niraj at Dell technical support who reviewed my support log.  He has agreed to send me a replacement Dell 1707 WLAN/BT card.  Hopefully that will resolve the issue.


Hopefully it was the original card and a replacement one will fix the problems.  Due to the holiday shipping restrictions you should probably get that today (Tuesday).   Let us know how it goes.


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