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This post is more than 5 years old


July 28th, 2004 16:00

Ghosting GX270's

​I am attempting to Ghost several GX270's with Norton Ghost 8.0 and I am running into problems both with ghost boot discs and CD's. I can use these same CD's or floppy's for that matter to ghost other Dell models including the GX260, however whenever I attemtp to ghost the 270's I am not able to complete the process. Does anyone know of any issues with the GX270's and ghosting?​

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July 28th, 2004 21:00

I had to use the -FNI switch to make it work.  Hope this helps.

2 Posts

July 29th, 2004 15:00

Nope, we ghosted around 90 of these without problems, it is worthwhile creating a dedicated image for these boxes and then booting from USB, didn't have a single problem.
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