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This post is more than 5 years old


January 19th, 2009 08:00

Poll - Next Steps for Community Site

Continuing our efforts to improve the Dell Community site, please take a moment to let us know what you feel the next priority should be. As always, you can also provide ideas to us on Ideastorm or vote on those that others have submitted in the Dell Community category.




Please use the comment section to indicate what you chose and why- the more detailed feedback we get, the better. We read and appreciate all of your feedback!




160 Posts

March 16th, 2009 16:00

I had two Studio 1735's and both had sound issues. Both have been returned.


My  bad.  It's the Studio XPS laptop problems I was following.  Sorry, though, to hear you had problems.

16 Posts

March 20th, 2009 03:00

This is just the worst forum I have seen.

The search returns thousands pretty much regardless of what you type in and you cannot sort by date. It does not search just in one forum.

The Advanced Search has functions that plain do not work.

  • The date select does filters nothing.
  • Sorted by Newest first doesn't work.
  • There is no explanation of how to build queries.
  • You back-page to the Advanced Search window and the form is empty - you have to re-type your query.

Time Vampire.

6 Posts

March 21st, 2009 19:00

where is the comments section? I find the site very confusing to navigate. In fact sometimes I cannot find my own posts.

4.6K Posts

March 22nd, 2009 04:00


where is the comments section?


There isn't a general 'Comments' section on the forums.

It's really only threads like these - and the 'New to the Community' section, in which you can post general comments.

March 23rd, 2009 19:00

who does those horrible ads for ADAMO? 

1 Rookie


2.1K Posts

March 26th, 2009 01:00

i hate the new forum...its sort of funny, hp use to have the forum dell now has, which i hated, and now hp has the old form dell use to have , which i like.  the old forum was great, not sure why you got rid of it..  forums like notebookreview are great in their appearance and ease of naviagation....this forum, ugly, boring and very impersonal...i liked the search in the old forum, used the advanced search to find others that i wanted to see their posts...don,t seem to be able to find it here.

160 Posts

March 30th, 2009 07:00

Yea, I've joined the HP forum also.  I'll certainly give HP a better look before I buy another computer.

933 Posts

March 30th, 2009 07:00

Thought I would drop back in to see if the forum has changed, yes it has , not gettiing any better but worse,

I signed in on the H P Forum and boy what a forum, and to think we used to have it like that ,what a pleasure

to navigate thru that forum, Brings back many good memories:emotion-10: byeeeeeeeee

387 Posts

March 30th, 2009 17:00

Thanks for that... I probably wont bother, in the hope it will get better, I just wont come here very often, if at all.

No problem. I haven't been around as much since the forum was "upgraded" either. I'm hoping that the coming changes will be a step in the right direction.

15 Posts

March 30th, 2009 17:00

Fortuner, see if this link helps to answer your question about removing an account.

Thanks for that... I probably wont bother, in the hope it will get better, I just wont come here very often, if at all. :emotion-18:

1K Posts

March 30th, 2009 17:00

Navigation!!!! make it simple, put a box at the bottom of each page to go back without going up and then click where we were.

Who is who at the post, and when. Member and date of last answered post or replied to at the tittle.

Size. Make it that we with square screens and 715 pix can read and write without sliding the bar.

Thank you

387 Posts

March 30th, 2009 20:00

I still can't find a way to stop the spam about "Next Steps for Community Site" filling up my inbox.


If you're still receiving replies to this thread, try the following steps. I'm not sure if it works but it has been suggested as a possibility. If it does work could you PM me to let me know? That way you won't have to post again and have the process start over. :emotion-1:

1) Click Expand User Panel if it's not already open.

2) Click Edit Profile (found under the avatar area).

3) Click Site Options tab and change Forum Posts Default View to Threaded View.

4) Click Save at the bottom of the Site Options page.

5) Close the Edit My Profile window by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner.

6) Navigate to the thread that you want to stop receiving replies for. You can use the Your Activity option in the User Profile to find the posts that you have made. You should see the posts for the particular thread in threaded view below the User Profile bar/area.

7) Click the first post in the thread and then click Stop emailing replies to me above the shown post on the right and the option should change to Email me when someone replies.

28 Posts

April 3rd, 2009 08:00

While waiting for the next delay to be posted regarding my order for a new Dell computer I decided to follow this thread just to kill some time.  Wow, what a relief! I have a way to kill long periods of time gaining absolutely nothing (a procrastinators dream site).  What is right with the new Dell Community Forums? That one I can answer in one word, NOTHING! Start with the total confusion of actually trying to find some help, add in a double scoop of endlessly watching the little Vista circle go round and round while you are waiting to navigate from one place to another, sprinkle just a dash of messages from moderators about how things are getting better and better, mix in an almost endless list of problems that are never resolved, bake in a very hot oven (created by the rage of Dell consumers who used to find the Forums a terrific tool for problem solving and increasing their technology knowledge), and presto you have the current Dell Community Forums.  Back in the old days their was a pretty substantial belief that Michael Dell would actually scan the postings on the Forum from time to time. I'm positive that today he is much too busy closing plants, laying off workers, and making trips to China and Europe to give any care to something as mundane as wondering what the mood might be on the Forums.  Well, I have killed enough time here that I'm sure I can now attempt to navigate back to my Order Status and check on the lastest delay in delivery.

2.1K Posts

April 3rd, 2009 10:00

HankTX, looking ahead - assuming you do receive your Dell system - you might give this web site a visit as another source for help with operational issues should you have a need. While a number of folks there are heavy into Folding (which isn't a requirement to register) virtually all gravitated to the forum as a result of the current Dell forum format implementation for all the reasons (and more) you've read in this thread. 

28 Posts

April 3rd, 2009 11:00

Thank you for the website.  I just went and took a quick look around and my goodness it appears to be just what the doctor ordered.  Thank you so much.  It is a shame that we have to go elsewhere to find a forum that provides what Dell used to before all the "improvements".

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