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March 13th, 2016 04:00

PowerEdge T630 " Missing GPU installation kit "


We've received finally the T630 P.EDGE Server.

But during the ordering process, our Dell Reseller forget about the GPU installation Kit, necessary to power our 3 Titan X GPUs. (we have already 2x 1600 Watt PSU installed)

And as i know, this must be "factory installed".

I've contacted Dell Cares Pro service on twitter, and initially they said the only solution is to buy the spares parts of the GPU installation kit and try a "workaround" to solve the problem. 

I found on an interesting thread about Dell PEdge issues, and one user had the same problem, forget the GPU kit, sent back the server, and received a new one within the GPU KIT installed.

So what we can do to solve our problem?

1: Open a ticket and hope to a positive response from Dell? (already done, we're waiting)

2: Order the spare parts and try to solve the problem on our own?

I've to admit that "Dell Cares PRO" at last responded very fast to our problem, but since our Business is situated in Italy, we've to work with the "Italian DELL customer Care Service".

The Italian Dell Reseller have no problem to re-pack the server and sent it back to Dell.

But we have tried about 10 times on Friday to contact by phone the DELL Customer Care in Milan but we had no luck.

Sorry for my bad English.

And thank you all for reading. :emotion-5:



6.2K Posts

March 13th, 2016 14:00

Hello again

I've already answered this question on Twitter. Asking on a different medium will not change my answer:

I've contacted Dell Cares Pro service on twitter, and initially they said the only solution is to buy the spares parts of the GPU installation kit and try a "workaround" to solve the problem. 

No, that is not what I said. I said it would be best to work with the reseller to order the correct system.

The Italian Dell Reseller have no problem to re-pack the server and sent it back to Dell.

But we have tried about 10 times on Friday to contact by phone the DELL Customer Care in Milan but we had no luck.

Resellers cannot return equipment for a refund, and we do not perform any kind of return-to-depot upgrades for our servers. The system would have to be refunded and reordered to order the GPU kit.

Since you are likely to encounter issues getting a refund on a system ordered through a reseller I provided the part numbers you will need to get a GPU functioning in the system. That may be your only option.

There are many ways that resellers sell systems to customers. Our resellers purchase equipment directly from us and resell it to their clients. There are resellers that merely put together quotes and have their clients order the equipment directly. I don't consider any type of sale aside from when a reseller purchases from us and resells to be a reseller purchase. Any other form of purchase is a consultation service and not a resell.

If the reseller purchased from us and then resold to you then they will need to contact us about the return/refund. You should not be contacting customer care to get a refund in this scenario because you did not give us any money to refund. The refund is between us and the reseller, and part of the reseller contract is that they are not permitted returns/refunds. If you paid us directly for the system then you should be contacting customer care to request the return/refund.

Returning and reordering the correct system is your best option. If that option is not available then you can attempt to order the part numbers I provided and install them yourself. GPU kits are not supported as an after-point-of-sale upgrade, so there is not a kit or process to perform the upgrade. The parts I provided are based on my research of the reference material I have available. There is also no guarantee all of the parts will be available for purchase.


2 Posts

March 25th, 2016 07:00

Thanks for the last answer.

Unfortunately our Reseller (ESPRINET) received a completely NO for any kind of RETURN or REFUND ( total or partial) from DELL ITALIA.

We confirmed we would reorder another Server within the GPU installing KIT installed, and we are open to any kind of FEE Dell would request to us. But the answer has been another NO.

At last I've had the lucky to find a real polite and well prepared Technician from DELL ITALIA customer care service, who tried in any way to solve our problem.

He confirmed the same codes you provided to me for the GPU Enablement KIT, but also said that they can order them only as a "sostitutive" for a damaged one.

He suggested me to look for a third part GPU that doesn't need to be powered by power Cords ( Like NVIDIA Quadro K2200 ), saying that isn't completely and officially supported by Dell, but could be a valid workaround to solve our problem.

I would to know from you, if i can follow the suggestion he provided to me.




6.2K Posts

March 25th, 2016 10:00


He confirmed the same codes you provided to me for the GPU Enablement KIT, but also said that they can order them only as a "sostitutive" for a damaged one.

Customer care is not a sales channel. They may have the ability to sell items, but that is not their function. If you were speaking with a customer care agent in an attempt to order the parts I provided then you should try "Spare Parts" instead. If the parts are not available for purchase through us then you can  check with resellers. Your reseller (ESPRINET) may be able to order parts that you cannot. Resellers typically have more access to order items, so items restricted for sale may still be available to them.

He suggested me to look for a third part GPU that doesn't need to be powered by power Cords ( Like NVIDIA Quadro K2200 ), saying that isn't completely and officially supported by Dell, but could be a valid workaround to solve our problem.

The K2200 will not work. The PCIe slots do not support cards in excess of 25W. I show the K2200 has a maximum power draw of 68W. If you can locate a card that requires 25W or less then it may work. You can find more information in the manual:

I'm not aware of a list of compatible GPGPUs for the T630, but I compiled this list for another customer:

I'm quite certain that all of the validated GPGPUs will require the enablement kit because they will need more than 25W of power.


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