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1 Rookie


116 Posts


October 3rd, 2024 10:38

R640 NVMe hardware raid

Hi all,

As I know R640 only permits NVMe RAID with embedded S140 but it's a software RAID.  Has anyone tried any PCIe M2 NVMe card with RAID1 function that works with that server or maybe another solution to have NVMe hardware raid. 

Thanks in advance



3.8K Posts

October 3rd, 2024 14:50



You can use NVMe PCIe SSD adapter in the system but they would not be Hardware Raid. You would still use the S140.


The S140 allows the NVMe PCIe SSD 2.5 inch SFF and the NVMe PCIe SSD adapter in a RAID configuration.

NVMe PCIe SSD support


Hardware RAID was not available until the 15th Gen using the H755n. The R640 is a 14th Gen. server.

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