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This post is more than 5 years old



August 8th, 2013 15:00

Which PowerEdge to buy for Remote Office

(While I appreciate whomever helpfully moved my original post to the "What do I buy" forum, I see that that forum is averaging a post or two a week, and I'm not real confident it's being frequented by members with the type of in-depth PE familiarity I'm looking for?)

This should be a relatively straightforward recommendation, but I don't feel as familiar with the PE lineup as I've been in the past, so I want to make sure I don't overlook anything?  Outlet/used is fine, even preferred.


Basically, this is going to a remote office never to be seen again.  It will be used mainly as a file/backup server and to remotely monitor/administer the rest of the network and it's PC's, so it doesn't need a ton of horsepower.  Non-technical personnel need to be able to replace drives/power supplies and physically move the server.

Seems like we always need to overkill it to get features like hot swap drives, ending up with a server which is loud, heavy, and overheats small closets.

So I'm basically looking for a SOHO PowerEdge with the following features.  What's out there or has been out there?  Any other advice?


  • Tower chassis
  • Hardware RAID with hot swap drives.
  • Hot swap redundant power supplies
  • Full remote access/DRAC Enterprise).
  • Relatively quiet
  • Relatively light

Thanks, -Joe

990 Posts

August 8th, 2013 15:00

Look at the Poweredge T320. The specifications are found here:

Its one of our 12th generation servers that are not loud like our previous generations.  Has both hot swap power supplies and hard drives, and will need the IDRAC 7 Enterprise for remote access.



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