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1 Rookie


1 Message


September 7th, 2023 15:20

Shutdown via SSH PowerVault ME5024. How to turn it on?

I connected via SSH to the first and second PowerVault ME5024 controllers and entered the 'shutdown' command. Can you tell me how to enable controllers? The web interface is unavailable, but the storage is working.

1 Rookie


93 Posts

September 7th, 2023 15:43

If you've shut down both controllers of your PowerVault ME5024 storage system via SSH and want to turn them back on, you can follow these steps to power them up:

  1. Physical Check: Ensure that both controllers are properly connected to power sources and that the power cables are securely attached.

  2. Power On the Controllers: To power on the controllers, you may need to use the physical power buttons or switches located on each controller. These buttons or switches are typically on the front panel or near the power supply units.

  3. Wait for Initialization: After you power on the controllers, wait for them to initialize. This process may take a few minutes, during which the controllers will boot up and become fully operational.

  4. Access Web Interface: Once the controllers are up and running, you should be able to access the web interface as you normally would. Wait until the controllers are fully online before attempting to access the web interface.

  5. Verify System Health: After the controllers are online, log in to the web interface to check the overall system health, storage status, and ensure that all services are functioning as expected.

If the web interface remains unavailable after the controllers have been powered on and have had time to initialize, you may want to double-check the network connectivity, firewall settings, and ensure that the management interfaces are properly configured.

If you continue to face issues accessing the web interface or if the controllers do not come online as expected, it's advisable to contact Dell's technical support for further assistance. They can provide guidance on troubleshooting and resolving any specific issues related to your PowerVault ME5024 storage system.

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