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12 Posts


October 29th, 2021 22:00

Dell Precision 7760 -- CPU is too hot on any of 4 thermal profiles

I'd like Dell to release a BIOS version to correct the issue (I'm on BIOS ver 1.4.0). The same issue is on precision 7560, I suggest.

The problem. There are 4 thermal profiles in BIOS: 'Optimized', 'Cool', 'Quiet' and 'Ultra Performance'. But on any of them, ON ANY, the CPU temperature (cores & package) is 100 deg Celsius once every few minutes under any serious computational load. I'd like to

have at least one thermal profile to never see CPU temperatures above 95-96 deg Celsius, at least. I consider 'Optimized' and 'Cool' profiles are good for this to implement.

As I run computational intensive tasks for 12+ hours continuously, I wish for my laptop to be healthy for long time ahead, as CPU near 100 deg Celsius influence high surround temperatures (motherboard and its components) which we all understand is bad. And I'm now forced to disable Turbo Boost, loosing performance, to eliminate too high temperatures inside laptop.

Let's all together to ask Dell to correct the situation !

Do Dell's representatives read this post ?

------------ text below is added a little later ------------

i) CPU behavior is almost the same on all 4 thermal profiles, and 'Cool' profile is really cooler but by means of only GPU significantly less power consumption; I wish to have at least one profile with CPU less hot behavior, so to say 'Really Right Cool (CPU cool + GPU cool)';

ii) never invoking Intel built-in thermal protection which starts/triggered at 100 deg Celsius, by means of setting up thermal threshold of less than 100 deg, for example 96 deg, for each core (but not by directly managing fans) in Dell's BIOS firmware will lead to more smooth/stable core temperatures (less fluctuations), and to possibly no loss in overall performance, and to may less integral heat inside laptop, and it is more comfortable to feel/understand that you don't drive your car constantly on its most limits just at the limit of its speedometer, it's just safe for you and your car at least for majority of drivers ...

12 Posts

November 15th, 2021 22:00

Dear psycl0ptic, it depends on the thermal profile in use. Dell offers 4 for the laptop (see my initial post beginning). And 'Ultra Performance' profile should not sacrifice performance, but others may, and have to, to be cooler, quieter, bringing longer lifespan to the laptop etc. As I wrote there is no one profile Dell offer with constrained CPU performance, but just offer names like 'Cool'.

12 Posts

November 15th, 2021 22:00

Dear Dell Support -- I have still no answer from you to my question from post on 11-12-2021 06:56 AM. I repeat:

"... do you see on win11 in HWiNFO "DELL EC" on Precision 7760 ? And what me to implement to see them ?"

Please answer.

Check on your reference Precision 7760 laptop and reply. Dell US Support has at least one reference laptop of each model for support purposes.

12 Posts

November 29th, 2021 06:00

Dear Dell-support please close this thread, remove it completely, or just archive. I have no time this week to deal with the issue. I will start new thread about the same problem later when I will have time. And I will start that new thread with more detailed full explanation of problem at one place/time.

Please close the thread although I did not resolve my issue, I ask you.

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