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1 Rookie


3 Posts


May 22nd, 2024 10:22

Precision 5550 with external 4K@144

Hello, first of all I'd like to mention that I know that according to the official Dell documentation for both my laptop and docking station such setup is not supposed to be supported, but after a while of googling I think that what I'm getting currently is not what my laptop/docking station is capable of in reality. Hopefully I'm not entirely wrong here.
This is what my setup consists of:
  • Laptop
    Dell Precision 5550
    i7-10850H @ 2.70GHz
    64 GB RAM
    NVIDIA Quadro T1000
    4K built-in display
    Windows 11 23H2
  • Monitor
    LG 38WR85QC-W
  • Docking station
    Dell WD19TBS

Unfortunately, no matter what combinations of connecting the monitor to my laptop I try, I can't get over 4K@75Hz (more precisely 74,98Hz) with this setup. This is what I've tried so far:

  1. USB-C -> USB-C dock (the Thunderbolt 3 port at the edge of the dock)
    Result = 4K@75Hz with HDR option to be enabled
  2. USB-C -> USB-C laptop (one of the 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports)
  3. DP -> DP dock
    Result = 4K@75Hz with HDR option available
  4. DP -> USB-C laptop (with a reduction cable)
    Result = 4K@75Hz with HDR option available
  5. DP -> USB-C dock (with a reduction cable, to the Thunderbolt 3 port)
    Result = 4K@75Hz with HDR option available
  6. HDMI -> HDMI dock
    Result = 4K@30Hz with HRD option unavailable
  7. HDMI -> HDMI laptop (using the included Dell USB-C adapter)
    Result = 4K@30Hz with HRD option unavailable
Is it so that the laptop simply doesn't support such high refresh rates monitor? I mean I've seen several people with similar setup having at least 4K@100Hz or so, so I wonder where the problem might be on my side. Any thoughts / opinions / advice?
Thank you in advance!

1 Rookie


1 Message

May 30th, 2024 11:38


I have a Dell Precision 5550 laptop with a Dell WD19TBS docking station and an LG 38WR85QC-W monitor. Despite trying various connections, I can't get beyond 4K@75Hz. I've tried USB-C, DP, and HDMI connections, but the maximum I get is 4K@75Hz with HDR. HDMI connections only give 4K@30Hz. I suspect the issue might be newjetnet aa com due to cable quality, docking station limitations, or settings. I've updated firmware and checked settings but still can't achieve higher refresh rates. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.


1 Rookie


3 Posts

June 5th, 2024 09:40

Hi @brandon555,

based on what combinations of connection I've tried so far, I don't think it's caused by cable quality as I've tried many cables (not only the ones that came with the monitor from LG directly) and the results were the same for all of them. I even bought a new reduction cable USB-C -> DP just to give it a shoot but without avail. I'm afraid that the 2 TB3 ports our laptops have simply won't handle more than 4K@75Hz, which is still something I personally don't want to believe to but that's at least what it looks like so far...

Having someone else here who could give us any hints or advices would be highly appreciated though.

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