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September 8th, 2022 11:00

RAM upgrade

Hi there I'm new to the forum, I'm here today for a quick advice.

As per the title, I'm planning on upgrading my RAM memory to 128GB on my mobile Precision 7750. Now, I currently have 64GB (non-ECC) @3200 MHz, but just a single stick of 32GB @3200MHz, non-ECC is crazy expensive!


However, I found a good deal for 64GB (2 × 32GB), non-ECC @2666MHz, and I was planning on buying two of them, then upgrade the RAM on my machine.


The question is, is there any substantial difference in having 128GB @3200MHz vs 128GB @2666MHz? What I normally do is data analysis on genomic data, and most tasks are heavily reliant on RAM; in fact most often information are fully loaded on the RAM, and only once the execution is completed files are generated on storage memory.


Let me know what I should do, also considering the not negligible difference in price. Going for the option @2666MHz would result in a saving of ~700$!

Thanks in advance.


FYI these are the specs of my machine

Screenshot from 2022-09-08 11-33-51.png

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

September 8th, 2022 13:00

This spec page lists 128GB of 2666 RAM as compatible and knowing the price difference might be the most cost efficient upgrade. Now is 3200 a huge difference compared to 2666, slightly but not a noticeable difference in my experience. This web page at allthedifferences may help.

3 Posts

September 8th, 2022 12:00

Thanks a lot @JOcean my real question was if it worth to get a 3200MHz set of memory sticks in contrast to a 2666MHz one, granted I will replace all of them at once.


I should have said I'm now running a 64GB (4 × 16GB @3200MHz), thanks again and let me know!

7 Technologist


12.1K Posts

September 8th, 2022 12:00

Per the specs Non-ECC RAM will work but mixing 2 speeds is not a great idea. Dell systems are already picky about RAM and installing 2 different makes with different speeds may cause problems. If it does work then all the RAM modules would run at the speed of the slowest RAM which in this case is 2666. The ideal situation is to buy a 128GB RAM kit of matched modules. And Crucial is the most compatible and available here.

3 Posts

September 8th, 2022 13:00

Thanks again @JOcean, I think for now I will go for the 2666 option.

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