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This post is more than 5 years old



February 21st, 2010 09:00

Dell Support Center and Windows 7

Will Dell Support Center work well with Windows 7 operating system? If not, is there another product that would help keep my system stable when I encounter problems?






17.1K Posts

February 25th, 2010 09:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.

Dell Support Center will work with Windows 7. Click the link below to download if needed.

Dell Support Center

1 Rookie


19 Posts

March 15th, 2010 13:00

No Dell Support Center is not compatible with Windows 7. At least that's what Windows 7 is telling me when I try to run an Automated Scan.


4 Operator


3.7K Posts

March 17th, 2010 07:00

Hi, I have Dell Support Center version 2.5.09100, and it works well with Win 7. You can upgrade HERE or HERE.

1 Rookie


19 Posts

March 17th, 2010 11:00


You have a diffe4rent version than mine. I had gone to the first link you gave twice, both times downloaded the what turned out to the the same file, and ran it. Both times, it told me I already had it installed, and offered to to a repair installation, which I did, and both times, when I tried to run pc checkup, got the incompatible. 

So, the third time, I tried something different: I uninstalled support center (version 2.2.08335) and then installed the downloaded file. After the installation, I checked the version and found it was 2.2.09085. And it now runs without the incompatable message.

Now I notice that the second link you give points to a  non-dell site with several versions of dell support center with higher version numbers. How does one decide which version to use. Are these really from Dell? 



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