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December 1st, 2022 04:00

Error in translation Dell Command Update



I would like to report an error in the translation of the Dell Command Update software that has been bugging me for a very long time. I don't know where to properly report this but I'll have a go here.

When you are installing updates from Dell Command Update you get a warning that tells you NOT to unplug peripherals, USB-C docking stations etc. At least that's waht I think it should say.


The Swedish translation is a bit ambiguous on that part. First it states that "peripherals like Dell type C-docks must be disconnected from the system while updating BIOS or firmware". The next paragraph states the opposite: "Disconnect ing such units during installation may cause system instability or render the devices unusable".


Would be good to get this fixed with the proper information...

Dell Command Update.PNG

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