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February 24th, 2022 08:00

Dell R630 Firware Update with ISO

Hello community,

I’m trying since 8h to update multiple Firmware on my Dell R630.

I want to do multiple updates at once because the server needs more update.

So, I started to experiment with Dell Repository Manager. I successfully create a repository and tried to export this repository with a Smart bootable iso and a SUU ISO.
So when i boot from the Smart Bootable ISO he won’t correctly update the Firmware. Can’t update the Lifecycle Controller and the BISO. So, I moved over to the Lifecycle Controller and wanted to boot the iso from there but no luck. I always get the Error -> Retry the operation with the correct catalog repository path.

So, my question how i correctly use the Lifecycle Controller with and which ISOs


Thanks for the help,





2.2K Posts

February 25th, 2022 01:00

Hi, you can find SUU ISO files on the support website. For R630 You can search "SUU" in Keyword search box.


SUU for Windows version


SUU for Linux version


Also, you create custom SUU via DRM but I never try it myself. Check it out below video.


Create a bootable ISO and Server Update Utility from Dell EMC Repository Manager (DRM)

6 Posts

February 24th, 2022 13:00


thanks for you response. I tried with this iso but I get many error when I boot it from the iso. I booted 3-4 time he updated also some firmwares. But he can’t update the bios and the lifecycle controller. 

So I tried to boot in the lifecycle controller and use the same iso. Select the virtual CD rom but he can’t find any updates. 
so which iso and files are needed for the updates through the life cycle controller?




3.4K Posts

February 24th, 2022 13:00

Hello cheesi,


What is the error you get when you try to update the iDRAC/LCC and BIOS?


What is your current version for iDRAC/LCC and BIOS?

If you are very far behind you may need to step them up.



The ISO Chris provided is a standalone bootable iso  and is not used with LCC.  You would boot to it and the update should start automatically.

You will see many things that do not apply because it has all possible component firmware for the R630.  The ones that do not apply are for components not on your system.



Try this SinglePackage update method with the "windows exe" file for iDRAC/LifeCycle Controller and the BIOS on a thumb drive and do them one at a time.

R630 drivers and firmware



On boot up press F10

Look at video starting at 52 Seconds for steps



8.5K Posts

February 24th, 2022 13:00



I am not sure, from what you specified, if you have tried just booting to the Platform Specific bootable ISO, located here, and just use it alone to update the server?


Let me know.





2.2K Posts

February 24th, 2022 23:00

Hi, you can check below:

Create a PowerEdge server-based Platform Bootable ISO

Create a Platform Bootable ISO based on PowerEdge server using the latest enterprise catalog from the Dell support site without creating or using any repository.


  • Ensure that you connect to an Internet before creating server-based Platform Bootable ISO.
  • Ensure to have adequate space between 2 GB to 5 GB, available in the location for the selected PowerEdge server to save the created Platform Bootable ISO.
  • Use the Smart Bootable ISO work flow, If you need a customized Bootable ISO.

About this task

To create a Platform Bootable ISO, perform the following steps:


  1. On the DRM home page, select Bootable ISO tab.
    The Select System wizard is displayed.
  2. Select a PowerEdge server to create a Platform Bootable ISO.
    Select the server system from the list, or use the search filter to quickly locate the system.
    NOTE Only one server system can be selected at a time.
  3. Click Browse and select the location where you want to save the Bootable ISO.
    The Name is available as.
  4. The Create button gets enabled.
  5. Click Create.
    A job is created on the job page and is available as an alert.


  • The plug-in updates run in the background on the job page, and the latest plug-in version is available in DRM.
  • The selected system running with Platform Bootable ISO will auto restart after updating the components.

6 Posts

February 24th, 2022 23:00

Hello Charles,

I would prefer the Lifecycle Controller because there you can upgrade more FW in one patch. So, my plan was to create an ISO with the .exe and .bin files. But what I don’t know where do I get a catalog .xml because this is needed, I guess?

I create and download the needed FW from the Dell Repository Manager. Is there an Option that I can create an ISO which I can mount directly in the Lifecycle Controller?

 BIOS Version 2.11.0

Lifecycle Controller Firmware

Thanks for your help! 



6 Posts

February 25th, 2022 00:00

Hello Erman,

sorry I guess we are talking from 2 different things. I wanted to know who i can create a Life Cycle Controller ISO that I can update the Firmware over the Controller. As i wrote that for me the "Bootable ISO" isn’t working. He pointed out that eh can’t find the files for the BIOS Updates a Life Cycle Controller.

What does the Life Cycle Controller need for a format that I can load the iso and he can use it?

Thanks for your help!




2.2K Posts

February 25th, 2022 01:00

Hello cheesi, sorry for misunderstood. You can try to use SUU via LCC


The following video shows how to update using the SUU from the LifeCycle Controller.

After downloading the correct SUU file, there are 2 options to use the file

From the LifeCycle Controller

1. Download the Full ISO file.
2. Use ISO mounting software, and mount the downloaded iso image.
3. Startup the server and press F11 to enter the LifeCycle Controller menu.
4. Click the "Platform Update" menu.
5. Select the "Local Drive (CD/DVD/USB" in the Update Repository source.
6. Enter the "Package Path," and run the Updates.

6 Posts

February 25th, 2022 01:00

Hi Erman,


so, in the Video he is using a SUU iso?

Where can I download that ISO?

Or do I have to create it with the Dell Repository Manager?

Thanks for you help!




2.2K Posts

February 25th, 2022 01:00

Oh, glad to hear it. 


Have a good one!

6 Posts

February 25th, 2022 01:00

Hello Ermen,


wauuuu I solved it.

You need definetly the Windows upgrade Packgeds for the LC.

In DRM export your repository (Winodows one!)

Create an ISO - mount it - you are rdy to go


Thanks solved


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