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1 Rookie


5 Posts


November 15th, 2023 07:30

Ransomware/Encryption Data Detection

Hi All,

I would like to ask something about RecoverPoint for VMs. Does RecoverPoint for VMs have features to detect Ransomware or data encryption on protected VMs? If the RecoverPoint for VMs doesn't have that features, how the RecoverPoint for VMs anticipation Ransomware or Encryption activity in protected VMs?

I get the question from my customer, if i read on the RecoverPoint for VMs document there is no information regarding the ransomware/encryption detection features.

Thank you.



8.9K Posts

November 15th, 2023 14:30


Thanks for your question.

It does not detect ransomware, it is only for replication of data. is for ransomware detection.




Let us know if you have any additional questions.

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