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This post is more than 5 years old


February 22nd, 2007 18:00

Apricorn hard drive upgrade & supplied cloning software RULES!

​ Hello Everyone- ​
​ I've been reading everything on this forum and I just had to share with the readership how much money and aggravation I saved. Our company just upgraded a boatload of ibm t30's with "plain vanilla" Latitude D620's. Like most, I have a need for large drives but didn't want to go broke or trash the company's laptop o/s. Exacerbating matters more I couldn't just purchase a legitimate Dell drive and perform a "full scrape" reloading everthing inclusing o/s from scratch because of costs but more importantly replicate all the loaded applications software, settings, and enabling license strings for propreitary software. A few of the posters suggested the Apricorn ez upgrade kit along with a larger oem SATA drive. The newly issued D620 came with a 40-gig and when configured for my personal use I had a remaining 16 gig left leaving no room for accumulating emails, data files, etc. Googled a bunch and ordered the Apricorn and Seagate 120-gig 9.5mm SATA from with the stipulation that if it didn't work I would use my kit as a external usb connected drive for storeage. Purchased items delivered today and the good news is I am up and running with a internal 120Gig upgrade. Took a little over 15 minutes using the Apricorn cloning software. The cloning s/w is idiot proof and is well documented. I now have the original 40-gig static wrapped safely on a shelf which will go back with the D620 when we upgrade again in 3-years. For those on a budget like myself you can make all your Dell purchases via ebay for pennies on the dollar. I've been doing this for years and you would be amazed how much you can save buying on ebay. You can for example purchase a spare D620 battery for under $20 delivered and this is brand new in the original Dell packaging. My first purchase was for a 1-gig pc5300 DDR2 sodimm $74.00 which should be your1st upgrade on the D620. 512Mb being shared with graphics simply isn't enough to compliment a Duo Core processor. PhotoShop now loads in respectable times with the memory upgrade. Keep all the tips and tricks coming guys! ​
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