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This post is more than 5 years old


May 19th, 2005 14:00

blank media choice; +R or -R ?

​ Good morning everyone. I forgot to ask this on my previous thread, so I thought best to start a new post here. Just a quick question regarding blank media as I will soon be ordering a new NEC 3520 and would be interested to hear from experienced users on what is your preferred choice of blank media. ​
​ Could you tell me please, what do you prefer... +R media, or -R media. I did read about the importance in buying a good quality media from Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, or TDK; but I do not fully understand the differences between the + and - media. If you would care to lend me your expertise, I would be so appreciative as I wish to order the appropriate blank media for the NEC 3520 burner. ​
​ I also am aware of buying the correct type media for your particular dvd player... I do not own one yet, so that is why I am wondering what is the most widely accepted format that plays in most dvd players. ​
​ As of this writing, I still have not heard anything from Dell regarding the bad Philips drive; but I will let the people who were helping me know as soon as I hear from them. I should be hearing something soon, I hope. ​
​ Thanks everone very much! ​
​ Tommy ​
​ ​

24 Posts

May 19th, 2005 15:00

Good quaility medai helps.  But, I have always had very good results with the cheap bad media.  I do by some decent Ritek etc for archving important things.  But mostly I use the cheap media, since everything I have plays - and + and I dont' care either really.  Some older models have a promblem with certain ones of the - and +.  Http:// is a excellent tool for the explantion on the differences, and other things.  I have that NEC drive too, it seems to be ok, never had a disc bomb out on my mahine but it did like the first time with the dell with Sony media, then after that it worked, Dell computers are not the best, but there cheap on deals.  Well good luck.

1.1K Posts

May 19th, 2005 15:00

I agree, good quality media is important.  If you haven't already, you should really check out Predator's site, .  Your current inquiry and much, much more information is answered, explained, linked there.
DIMM 4400
BIOS – A06, date 6/12/02
Win XP Home Edition, SP2
Pentium-4 2.8 GHz, 400MHz FSB, 512K L2
Iomega 80GB USB 2.0 External HDD
Pioneer DVR-109BK, Samsung DVD-ROM SD-616R
XFX GeForce FX 5700LE 128MB DDR 8X AGP w/ TV & DVI
17”, 1702FP Digital Flat Panel Display
PCP&C Turbo-Cool 425 Deluxe Dell PSU
SIIG US2275 USB 2.0 / 1394a / NIC PCI card
Courteous Dell Community Forum members search first, then post.

1.5K Posts

May 19th, 2005 15:00

Excellent; thanks very much!  I'll review his website thoroughly as there is a wealth of great info there.  Would you happen to know if there is any difference with media sold as "Verbatim", and media sold as "Verbatim branded"?  I was browsing supermedia website, and I noticed the two different wordings, although the package looked the same. Is there anything I should be concerned about between the two? If my thinking is correct, it sounds like a different company produced the media and labled it as I correct?

Thanks so much for your advice, and going out of your way to help out a new person here. Once I'm over this learning curve, I should be all set. I'm learning some new things here, so I appreciate your advice very much as all of you seem very experienced with burning.



1.5K Posts

May 19th, 2005 16:00

Hi everyone... Well, somebody from Dell's  corporate offices in Texas recieved my letter, and just called me regarding the philips burner. It appears that Dell tech support must try to troubleshoot a specific problem forst, before any kind of swap or refund can be given to the customer. So I was given a case number, and transferred over to tech support.

After waiting for 15 minutes, I figured that I would simply take the loss with this Philips and just purchase a NEC drive very soon. I don't want to knock Dell tech support at all; not my intentions.... but due to past experiences with them, I decided to just write the Philips off as a loss and learn from it. My last experience with tech support forced me to take my pc into a computer shop to have XP re-installed. And all I called tech support about was to ask why my disk cleanup was taking so long.

To make a very long story short, I was guided by the tech person to do many registry editing procedures, and this completely crippled my Dell 2350 where a re-install was the only option. Maybe I managed to get connected with a new tech support person; I don't know.... but I would rather take the monetary loss here with this bad Philips than chance anything happening to my new pc.  I learned the hard way before; and I am not experienced enough yet to do a re-install of XP... I would have to take the pc to a repair shop, and that cost me a bundle last time. I fear that a similar situation could arise if I am guided to go into the registry here; I would rather stay out of that area, LOL.... I had enormous difficulty in trying to understand the tech persons' English speaking abilities, so perhaps I didn't understand him, or he mis-guided me over the telephone. Either way, Windows XP had to be re-installed because of removal of critical Windows registry files.... no way am I going through that again, LOL !

So, I wanted to let you people know about how I made out, as I had said I would keep you advised. I thank you all so much for your helping me out here. I am extremely grateful to you and enjoy this forum immensely. Take care, and thank you again!!! I hope to order the NEC burner soon.


46 Posts

May 19th, 2005 16:00

i dont see anything for the nec dvd +- rw you have a link for the media it should use,thank you very much.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

May 19th, 2005 17:00


Your question needs clarification. The quality of the media needed depends on the application.

For data backups, pretty much any media will do, since they will be read in computer drives, most of which can read either +R or -R. For music, the equipment that can read audio DVD is very touchy, so top quality media are important. You need the burner, media, and player to all be compatible with one another. For movies, again, it depends on your DVD player. Some read anything, some require only good +R or -R media.
I have a Pioneer burner and DVD system and have yet to find media that don't work, but I also have a cheap portable DVD player that is very picky, only reading commercial and Verbatim DVD+R media.
Here's a site to check media and compatibility with different burners, players and portables:

1.5K Posts

May 19th, 2005 18:00

That's fantastic, osprey. Thanks very much; that is just what I've been trying to find! I've searched on google for days and couldn't seem to locate exactly what I was looking for. That site will assist me enormously.

The Dell person in Texas just called me back again a few minutes ago, but my phone answerer picked up. I guess he was calling to see how I made out with the tech support person. I don't have the heart to tell him about my past nightmare of an experience, so I didn't answer the phone. Of course, I feel bad... but I don't want to try and troubleshoot this Philips at all. It's bad enough that I am relatively new, but it complicates it further when you cannot understand what the tech person is trying to say because of language barriers. This really burns me up, and it is one of two things that I really get updet with Dell about.

Number one... Bring the tech support back to USA where it belongs....

Number two....Disclose to the buyer exactly what hardware is going to be installed into the customers' new computer. I think this balony of " you get whatever we have on hand" of for the birds.... There is absolutely no way that I would have ordered this dvd burner had I known it was a Philips. I wont get fooled like that again; guess I'll simply take the loss here and chaulk it up to more experience(s) with Dell. By the way, the man in Texas who called me was an American. By that, I mean he spoke our English language clearly and I could understand him well. He was also very professional and polite too. But I guess it is Dell's policy that you must try troubleshooting procedures with their tech people before they will re-ship another Philips. Oh yes, not sure if I mentioned that.... another Philips would be re-shipped if tech support could not help out. That is why I am just calling this whole Philips thing a loss on my part..  I'll purchase that NEC and hopefully get a good reliable burner.

If I ever order another Dell,  I'll inquire exactly what hardware will be installed on my  computer. After all, I will be the owner and I want some control as to what is installed in it. I wish I could remember where I read that NEC burners were being used, darn it !   I could have sworn I read somewhere that Dell was using NEC burners. Perhaps I should have ordered the pc over the phone instead of online; that way maybe I could have asked questions to a salesperson.

Take care everyone, and thanks for all of your help and information. This forum rules! So glad I found it.


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