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This post is more than 5 years old



February 15th, 2004 16:00

Copy data from a CD-R ?

​I have always used the CD-RW but looking at the CD-R in some cases.​

​If I copy a data file from my HardDrive to the CD-R then at a later date find it necessary to put that file on my HD can I copy the Data from the CD-R ?​



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10.9K Posts

February 15th, 2004 16:00

Yes. For example, you can take the data from the CDR and place it back on the Hard Drive.

February 15th, 2004 18:00


I have some programs that were downloaded and since those never change I was thinking about puttingv them on CD-R's. Then If my PC Harddrive had to be reformatted for some reason I could put the programs back on my HD, then reinstall them.

Thanks for your help.


10.9K Posts

February 15th, 2004 18:00

The is exactly what I do.  CDRs are well suited for that use.
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