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This post is more than 5 years old


July 1st, 2010 05:00

Disk Q?

I recently did a factory restore wipe and since it has come back, I now have a disk Q, a local disk which I didn't have before. Can someone tell me how I got it, whether I need it and if not how I can rid it as I assume its taking up disk space. It says its not accessible. So if its not accessible why has it plonked itself there lol. I have an Inspiron 1545. Windows Vista and I am wirelessly connected but I definately only remember seeing the c and e drive (plus dvd) before.


4 Operator


34.2K Posts

July 2nd, 2010 18:00

Hi Tlise,

See this. Do you have Office 2010?

Also, your recovery partition should not be assigned a drive letter. Are you using tat partition to back up your data? If so, you should not.

7 Posts

July 3rd, 2010 05:00

Thanks Osprey, yes I do have office. Im not sure if its a 30 day trial or the beta as I had to redownload it and of course I couldn't find the original link to the beta. I don't remember it being there before but its probably a tweak they made and improved.

The recovery partition came with a letter when I first had the laptop. I don't do anything with it at all. Is that needed? or does it contain all the data I need for if it needs restoring? First time I have had a Dell before last summer, none of the desktops I had ever had a separate drive... again I assume its hogging room.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

July 3rd, 2010 05:00

Just be sure to leave that D drive alone. It's the image of your drive as it came shipped from Dell. Don't use it for back-up, and you should be all set.

Good luck!

7 Posts

July 3rd, 2010 10:00

You mean Drive C? it says (OS)C.

D is my dvdrom. see I don't quite get this back up business lol. If all fails, I just download everything I need onto flash or cd and then wipe it and do factory restore and reput stuff back on which is quite handy if you want to do a major bitty file clean lol.


So can I rid the  recovery drive e then? 

and if I sort of know bits of what I am doing but its usually trial and error and learning through fiddling or practice. But seeing as I have never used one for back up before, I very much doubt I would ever use that option, tbh I wouldn't even know how.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

July 4th, 2010 07:00

Sorry, I meant to say leave drive E, the recovery drive, alone. For backup, an external drive is the best way to go.

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