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This post is more than 5 years old


February 27th, 2006 18:00

DVD+R or DVD-R ... which one?

Hi ... new to DVD burning. Should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R discs ? Basically I want to copy mpg and wmv files from the internet to disc so that I can play them thru my DVD player hooked up to the TV. Also want to make back-up copy of commercial DVD movies that I own. I've got a recently purchased DELL Dimension E510 with 2 optical drives; one drive is read-only, the other is read/write. any advice greatly appreciated.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

February 27th, 2006 18:00

Since you're going to play them back in the same drive you burned them, it makes no difference at all which format you use.

Discussion of copying commercial DVDs is not permitted. You'll have to look elsewhere on the internet for help.

4 Posts

February 28th, 2006 01:00

Actually, it may make a difference, depending on two things:
  1. Can your DVD burner write both DVD+R and DVD-R?  Some burners can only write one type or the other.  For instance, the Philips 8601 which came with my Dell PC, only writes DVD+R, and not DVD-R.  Check the specs for your DVD writer before you go out and spend your money on blank DVDs.
  2. Are you also going to play these DVDs on a conventional DVD player, or make copies for friends who will?  Some older DVD player models (and even some newer ones) will play DVD-R, and not DVD+R.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

February 28th, 2006 10:00

Virutally all new drives write to both. I don't know of Dell shipping a single format drive for a while.

You're correct that some older DVD players prefer one format over the other. However, virtually all tabletop players can read both. It's the portables that tend to be picky.

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