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April 24th, 2023 05:00

hard drive swap

I have a opiplex 755 widow 10 and the graphic card failed,I replaced it with 7050  window 11. question can I use the hard drive from the 755 in the 7050 there by not having to transfer data..thanks




3 Apprentice


554 Posts

April 25th, 2023 10:00

@Drblatstein As long as the drive from your old computer isn't encrypted, then you can connect your old drive to your new computer and use it to retrieve data. The problem with newer systems is that they may lack the proper connectors and/or an available 3.5" mounting bracket, especially if your new computer has a low profile case or is designed to exclusively utilize M.2 SSD drives.

For about $20 USD, you can purchase a SATA-to-USB adapter that will allow you to temporarily connect your old hard drive externally so that you can copy data over to your new computer. You can also purchase a 3.5" drive enclosure that will accomplish the same task, but can be left connected to the computer and powered down when not in use. This will allow for secondary storage or can be used for backups should you decide to repurpose the old drive.

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