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September 2nd, 2009 19:00

How can I tell if my Dell dsktop will support a new hard drive

The hard drive on my Dell Dimension E510 went bad.

I want to buy a new drive to replace it, and I want to be sure that what I want to buy will work in my machine.

I want to buy a Western Digital drive. I'm not necessarily looking for some huge monster drive. The drive that came with the machine is 80GB. The drives I'm conisdering are for 160GB or more.

How can I be sure the drive I pick will work with my mother board, etc.

Thanks in advance for your help!






14.4K Posts

September 2nd, 2009 19:00

the 160 should work fine. You need 3.5 inch SATA drives something like THIS

September 3rd, 2009 11:00


Thanks so much for your inut...

14.4K Posts

September 3rd, 2009 14:00

Your are welcome

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