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July 24th, 2014 22:00

Inspiron 1545 Hard Drive Error..Help!


My Inspiron 1545 laptop has been freezing a lot lately. 9/10 times I turn it on, it will completely freeze up to the point where I have to manually power off. When I reboot, I get a black screen that says "check disk C:" and it does so. With a bit of research it's led me to believe something is wrong with my hard drive.  I've had my laptop for 6 years or so.. really rely on it. I ran diagnostics and specified it to my hard drive symptoms. 00F0: 1332 popped up. I clicked to keep testing and it popped up, again.

I'm thinking I need a new hard drive but I'm not that great with computers but don't want to spend $200 at the store getting it fixed.  Can anyone tell me what exact hard drive I can use to replace my laptops current one? Also some guidance in how to install it, back up my files, etc would be much appreciated. I need my laptop for college and I'm freaking out a bit! 



78 Posts

July 28th, 2014 14:00

When ever I format my hard drive and reinstall windows I would just keep the photos and really important files and thats it. The reason why I say this is because there might be a hidden virus that your anti-virus / and or malwarebytes cannot detect so its best that you just start from scratch and reinstall the programs that you already had on your hard drive.

14 Posts

July 28th, 2014 18:00

Fair enough. I'll do that. 

The external hard drive you suggested was 1T, do I need that much storage? I'm trying to save some cash, would I be okay getting a cheaper one? 

78 Posts

July 28th, 2014 21:00

Yep, you can get this one if you would like

14 Posts

August 16th, 2014 19:00

Hi again,

I backed up my pictures and documents (office word, powerpoint). I think that is all that I really need, but if you can think of anything necessary that I am forgetting that would be great.  I am about to order my hard drive off of  Has this site worked well for you in the past?  Also, I may have asked this already but I just want to be 100% certain.  The hard drive that you suggested down below will definitely fit inside of my older Inspiron 1545?

Returns from Canada to the U.S. can be difficult and I want to avoid any mix-ups on size or model.  Another user suggested I get one of these, an hdd or a hybrid sshd.  Would they fit properly and would they be better, or is it smarter to stick with the one you suggested?

Thank you!

1 Rookie


60 Posts

August 17th, 2014 07:00

Please don't go for a Seagate, and why ?, because mine isn't even 2 years old and it started clicking a year ago, and now it's doing it every 5 to 10 seconds. Just go for a Western Digital Scorpio Blue or Black. So bad hard drive after 1 year isn't good at all. Mine is toast now, but it still works and i need to replace it after i get home from vacation. ( I have a ST1000LM024 ). I rather go for a WD Black, because it has 5 years warranty, were mine didn't even had 1 year on the drive ( Checked Seagate Site ) . And i use my laptop 5720 everyday.

78 Posts

August 17th, 2014 17:00

Back when I was in grade 8 I built my very first gaming computer that had a gtx 280 and I went through 3 Western Digital hdd's in one year. Very shocking and till to this date I still have my Seagate hdd which is 8 years old. Proof is in this picture. (cable management could be better but since i was a child back in 2008 I didn't know that cable management was a great thing to have.)

78 Posts

August 17th, 2014 18:00

I don't know why i said 8 years old, my bad, its 6 years old but anyways it will fit since its a laptop hhd and ANY laptop hdd will fit since every laptop has a mounting bracket for that purpose so the bracket will act as a universal tool to make sure that any laptop hdd will fit into your laptop. As I said before my Asus G74SX has it and it only has a 560m video card which is very old. Its so old that I got it when I was in grade 11 (2011) so i'm sure if my old laptop has it then i'm absolutely sure that yours has it. The hdd's that you suggested are good, since you don't want to pay perineum pricing for a SSD. SSHD's are good for that aspect. The returns from Canada to the U.S. are difficult because I live in Canada so i'll get a Canadian website since i'm most comfortable with it but you can use the website (American).

14 Posts

August 18th, 2014 12:00

I think I posted the same link twice in my post.. oops. I'm getting mixed reviews, one of you says the WD is best and the other says go for a Seagate? Sorry just a little bit misleading. I am from Canada as well, if you have a good, safe site I could order off of that would be good. I, too, prefer avoiding the hassle of U.S. shipping. 

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