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This post is more than 5 years old


March 26th, 2004 18:00

Is that possible to replace the modular floppy drive with a 7K60 HDD? Do I need any special interafce?


I want to add a HDD in my Inspiron 8200, but I don't like to use external USB hard drive.

After reading the messages about 7k60, I realize this is what I want.

And I still have some questions:

There is a Modular Floppy Drive in one bay. Is that possible
to replace that with this 7k60 HDD? Do I need any special

If the 7K60 HDD can be put into the modular bay, can the laptop boot up from this HDD?

Thank you for your help!

35 Posts

March 26th, 2004 21:00

Check out Baywolf's site on adding a hard drive media bay carrier:

I use one of these on my Inspiron 8200 and they are basically plug and play with a Windows 2000 or XP system.  I've seen options on booting using this device, but I've never tried, it so take that bit of information for what it's worth. 

The bay will cost about $30.  You have to buy the screws separately.  I found mine at the local hardware store.



12 Posts

March 26th, 2004 21:00

Yes, and you do need a "HDD Carrier" and screws for the Carrier to hold the drive in the Carrier. The Carrier and screws can be ordered from Dell.

A suggestion: Use the 7k60 as your primarly drive and place your old drive in the Modular Bay. Have both drives as bootable Windows drives and use your old drive for backups AND e-mail.

You can now boot to your primary (7K60) for standard operating use - it is faster.

Placing your e-mail on the Modular Bay drive frees you from the worry of a virus killing your primary drive.

I use the above setup and when starting the computer (i8500) I can press F12 during the Dell splash screen to select the Modular Bay drive (40GB/5400rpm) rather than letting it boot to the 7K60. This is a one time only selection - meaning that the next time I start the computer, it will boot to the 7K60 drive unless I press F12 and select the Modular Bay HDD.

Note: Using the BIOS to switch drives is a royal pain in the behind as it requires a reboot to take effect.

Note: When the Modular Bay HHD is selected via the F12 method or through the BIOS, it becomes the "C" drive.

I have the Modular Bay HDD, the CD/DVR and floppy drives. Very easy to switch them.

Final input: I keep both HDDs up to date (Windows and all the programs I use) so should the 7K60 have problems, I can replace it with the old drive in a few minutes and continue working.

I hope this helps.


March 26th, 2004 21:00

This information is really helpful! Thank for your helps!!


35 Posts

March 26th, 2004 22:00

Hi Palehorse,

I was not questioning anything in your post.  In fact, I found your post to be informative since it clarified information I've seen but never verified about my system. 

My post stands on it's own without ever seeing what you wrote -- if you look at the timestamps, your submission came just a few minutes before mine.  My comment about "for what it's worth" refers to what I read about my system outside of your post.



12 Posts

March 26th, 2004 22:00

"That information for what its worth" is FACT - at least on an i8500! i8200? - hey, I don't know but I would bet it will work.

Why you would question my input is wierd since you state you have never tried the solution I proposed AND THAT I CURRENTLY USE. I have it working as I described.

Simple, sweet and effective.

By the way, I am currently using my "old" 40GB Modular Bay HDD to answer your input AND any new e-mail I have received. Within one minute I can switch back to my "primary" 7K60 drive to do the "hard" work.

My solution works and guards me against viruses that could disable my now primary (7K60) HDD.

Maybe my ideas (dual HDD implementations) are "out of the box" ideas for you. For me they work perfectly.


12 Posts

March 26th, 2004 23:00


No problem. What I stated works for an i8500 and protects me from viruses.

Prior to this solution I needed two computers as a total virus protection/backup.


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