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This post is more than 5 years old


August 22nd, 2012 12:00

Latitude CPi Failed HDD.

I've been using my CPi for legacy programs that are not supported under Windows 7.  These programs relate to Amateur Radio, especially in emergency communications, for reporting and recording weather conditions at my home.  Yesterday (Aug 21) the HDD started whirring and the computer was locked up on a blue screen of death.  I ran Windows 2000 Professional on this machine, it was very stable, and the computer worked very well, sitting on my desk, connected to the weather station and to the network so it could broadcast the results.

Is there a suitable replacement hard drive for the Latitude CPi?  It doesn't have to be huge, the current hard drive is 4GB, and I only need that as a minimum, with perhaps another GB or two for extra storage.



79 Posts

August 22nd, 2012 13:00

A lot of modern IDE drives can be specially jumpered to set their capacity to 32GB or less to support vintage systems.  I'd go that route (new drive that can be jumpered to vintage) versus sourcing some old drive on ebay.  The average drive lives only about 7 years so buying a super old drive without any knowledge of how many hours it was in use is probably not the best idea.

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

August 22nd, 2012 13:00

You're going to need to look for a used, or old-stock drive -- 80G is as small as they come now and the system won't support a drive that large.

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