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This post is more than 5 years old



August 17th, 2004 19:00

New DVD R drive

​I would like to add a new DVD R drive to my Dell Dimension 4600 as well as keeping my Sony CD R drive. It looks as if there are 2 available places to insert the drive - is this possible? All suggestions welcome.​

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15.3K Posts

August 17th, 2004 19:00

Hi Dewponds,

The 4600 has (2) 5.25" bays, your Sony should be in one, so ys you can install the DVD/RW drive.
Follow this Dell link for the Specification pages, including "Removing & Parts"

4600 Series

Best Regards

God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do and the eyesight to tell the

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