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This post is more than 5 years old


April 28th, 2016 13:00

Precision M5510- Windows 10 - McAfee Endpoint Encryption 7.1.3 Issue

Hi All,

Have an M5510, 1TB Samsung  NVE SSD and another system with a SK Hynix-SSD, BIOS set at AHCI, UEFI.   Install a Windows 10 image with no issues.  As soon as McAfee Encryption begins, and I reboot, the system flashes the DELL bios image a few times and then it gets stuck at "PREPARING AUTOMATIC REPAIR".   Stays for hours with no movement.

If I switch to "Legacy" apply the Windows 10 image, no issues with McAfee at all.  

I have an XPS13 with 256gb Samsung NVE SSD.   All works fine in UEFI mode.  No issues.

Any ideas?



9 Legend


87.5K Posts

April 28th, 2016 19:00

This is something you'll want to take up with Intel/McAfee support -- that software has all sorts of issues with newer systems (the one I know it does is the Surface Pro line from Microsoft).

It seems like it's less than robust with Windows 10 -- pile on a UEFI system and you have all sorts of challenges to deal with.

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