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This post is more than 5 years old



January 29th, 2005 19:00

Sony DVD+R DW-R 56A (DVD Device Module)

​ I have the above dvd device module in my inspiron 9100. I have blank dvd+r and dvd-r discs and when I insert either of them, they just whirr around constantly and nothing happens. The dvd device just wont recognise them. I need to copy some files onto a dvd so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ​

7 Posts

January 30th, 2005 06:00

You may be suffering from something similar to my problem originally.  I ended up needing a firmware update and new drivers from the better DWD56A drive.  Go here......Ofelas is the one who helped me and now my drive works perfectly to record both DVD+R and DVD-R.

2 Posts

February 26th, 2005 04:00


i'm having the dvdr recognition problem with a dell 8500 and a sony dw-r56a.  i looked for Ofelas.  Coulnd't find anything with his/her name.  please help.  much appreciated. thank you!


2 Posts

February 26th, 2005 04:00

i too am having the dvdr recognitin problem with the sony dw-r56a.  i couldn't find anything under the name ofelas.  could you please help.  would be greatly appreciated.  thank you!  anthony

7 Posts

February 26th, 2005 06:00

I just did a check again tonight and he is still currently active on the notebook forums. First you must register with the community to be able to access the member page and find him. Once you've registered, go to the member directory and look up Ofelas. There you will find the ability to send him a PM either online or via email. He's a great guy and very willing to help when he is online. I am sure that there are several others on that forum who could help. Register and then do a search for the DW-r56a and DW-d56a. You will find threads where this exact topic has been discussed. I've found that it is a very common issue with this dvdr and is easily fixable in about 15 minutes.

1 Message

April 18th, 2005 02:00

Good Evening,

  I have been having a problem also. My 600m would reconize, copy and write with Record Now, but the movie would skip and croak. DVDxcopyexpress could not read DVD.

I go this and all is well:)

I did not have to load any up-date for the sony. I just went to options and chose the dual layer option.

I did not use and encrypted movie for the first run.

Hope this helps.

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