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This post is more than 5 years old


December 23rd, 2011 03:00

Buffer Credit Monitoring

I was wondering if anyone had any idea if its possible to monitor buffer creidts in EMC Control Centre?

We had an issue last week with a slow drain device that turned out to be a faulty fibre cable, but it has triggered questions about why we didnt notice the issue? We noticed the issue by using the bottleneckmon and porterrshow commands on the fabric switches so have come familiar with this output;

HDFC_BLR03:user> portstatsshow 1/2
stat_wtx                7215        4-byte words transmitted
stat_wrx                2003        4-byte words received
stat_ftx                590         Frames transmitted
stat_frx                29          Frames received
stat_c2_frx             0           Class 2 frames received
stat_c3_frx             0           Class 3 frames received
stat_lc_rx              15          Link control frames received
stat_mc_rx              0           Multicast frames received
stat_mc_to              0           Multicast timeouts
stat_mc_tx              0           Multicast frames transmitted
tim_rdy_pri             0           Time R_RDY high priority
tim_txcrd_z             0           Time TX Credit Zero (2.5Us ticks)
tim_txcrd_z_vc  0- 3:  0           0           0           0
tim_txcrd_z_vc  4- 7:  0           0           0           0
tim_txcrd_z_vc  8-11:  0           0           0           0
tim_txcrd_z_vc 12-15:  0           0           0           0
er_enc_in               0           Encoding errors inside of frames
er_crc                  0           Frames with CRC errors
er_trunc                0           Frames shorter than minimum
er_toolong              0           Frames longer than maximum
er_bad_eof              0           Frames with bad end-of-frame
er_enc_out              310817      Encoding error outside of frames
er_bad_os               2941109     Invalid ordered set
er_c3_timeout           0           Class 3 frames discarded due to timeout
er_c3_dest_unreach      0           Class 3 frames discarded due to destination unreachable
er_other_discard        0           Other discards
er_type1_miss           0           frames with FTB type 1 miss
er_type2_miss           0           frames with FTB type 2 miss
er_type6_miss           0           frames with FTB type 6 miss
er_zone_miss            0           frames with hard zoning miss
er_lun_zone_miss        0           frames with LUN zoning miss
er_crc_good_eof         0           Crc error with good eof
er_inv_arb              0           Invalid ARB
open                    0           loop_open
transfer                0           loop_transfer
opened                  0           FL_Port opened
starve_stop             0           tenancies stopped due to starvation
fl_tenancy              0           number of times FL has the tenancy
nl_tenancy              0           number of times NL has the tenancy
zero_tenancy            0           zero tenancy

I can see alerts for CSC and Class3 Discards but wonder if there is anyway to monitor the tim_txcrd_z  stats in ECC? I cant see a way, but before i tell my boss that it cant be done in ECC i thought i would ask the opinions of others. And if ECC cannot monitor these stats, does anyone know of a good way to monitor them remotely?

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

January 28th, 2018 03:00

You Can setup Maps to monitor your switches.

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