1 Rookie
3 Posts
June 18th, 2019 13:00
Support Assist and Dell Update fail to install updates
Dell Support Assist fails to install this update: Intel Management Engine Components Installer. It just says Failed,and gives no reason or suggestions. This is an urgent update.
Dell Update says there are two recommended updates
Dell Digital Delivery Application
Dell Update - SupportAssist Update Plugin.
When it's finished it just says
Installation Complete
0 of 2 successful
2 updates failed.
1. What do I do?
2. What's the difference between the two programs?
1 Message
October 27th, 2019 13:00
Having the same issue. Recently renewed my Warranty.I tried to run as administrator and the same thing resulted. Supportassist hangs up and the update fails.
On a hunch (recalling that my Dell Update would not detect my service tag and always failed as well when I attempted to run it) I went in and uninstalled two apps, Dell Update for Windows 10, and a second Dell Update app simply called Dell Update. I then ran the executable to install support assist, and low and behold it installed and launched successfully. I believe that has solved the Support Assist issue for me. I will now attempt to reinstall Dell Update and see if that will give me problems.
DELL-Jesse L
17.1K Posts
June 19th, 2019 03:00
Click my name and private message me the pc service tag number as well as your registered name, email address, and phone number.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
3 Posts
June 25th, 2019 10:00
I replied to this, and heard nothing.
Two working days later I tried SupportAssist and both updates installed OK. Dell Update popped up while the first update was installing and showed the second update.
After installing both updates with SupportAssist (which involved a reboot) both SupportAssist and Dell Update showed no updates required.
Fortunately the problem had been resolved.
1 Message
November 1st, 2019 18:00
I'm having the same problem. All updates are failing.
1 Message
November 4th, 2019 19:00
I too am getting a Failed message when trying to install my BIOS update on my XPS 15 9570.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
7 Posts
December 7th, 2019 21:00
This has happened to me too - same machine. I did the update manually.
The SupportAssist application is of poor quality and a blend of various "other" software underneath such as PC Doctor.