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December 16th, 2018 15:00

Support Assist Problem - need help updating drivers


I purchased my Alienware Gaming PC last December. I had a year of Support Assist (premium?) included. I haven't been using my computer much over the past 4 months due to work and school. I want to know one of two things. Since I know that my subscription to Support Assist premium has already ended, why am I completely unable to find the application on my computer? I get on, detect my PC and then it says "You need Support Assist". I never uninstalled it. I click download because, hey I want to reinstall it so I can update my drivers. It downloads the set up. I run the set-up and it claims "Installation cancelled- you already have the latest version of Support Assist." Repeat over and over again. Do I need to buy it somewhere else first? 

That's my first question. My second, and possibly more important, question is how can I manage my CPU without it? I tried to update drivers on Dell's website and-would ya look at that- I need to download Support Assist.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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20.1K Posts

December 16th, 2018 16:00

You don't need support assist to install any driver updates--only for the scan of your computer, which you don't need. You most likely don't even need any driver updates. Your Device Manager has the current drivers. Skip the scan which asks Support assist. Just use your service tag or your model name and number.

Support Assist is not a subscription. It's free to all Dell users. But you really don't need it to maintain your computer. 

December 16th, 2018 20:00

Thank you for your help. Earlier I finally was able to download Support Assist from instead of the seemingly broken links I was encountering elsewhere. I now know that I really just needed to manually enter my service tag in to check for drivers and download them myself. Thank you again.
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