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February 18th, 2010 13:00

Configure Symmetrix disks for RH Linux 2.6


Can anybody brief me about  step by step  configuring Symmetirx disks on RH Linux 2.6

basically after allocating disks, run the configuration on Linux host,

scanning the disks, Lvm creation, FS allocation etc.

Appreciate your help on this.

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

February 18th, 2010 19:00

so once you've masked devices to your linux box you will need to rescan the bus so it creates device files

i know it says that device names might change, but if you are using PowerPath it does not matter. Even if native device changes (/dev/sda1 becomes /dev/sda3) PowerPath device will still point to correct name.

So  after you rescan devices, you can run "fdisk -l" to make sure you actually see them. If you do, go ahead and run "powermt config" and "powermt save". At this point you should be able to see power devices listed in "powermt display dev=all". Make sure policy is set to so.

Next step is to setup LVM, you want to run all the LVM commands against your power devices, not native devices (/dev/sda1)

After LVM is configured you can create file system on top of logical volume, for example

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vg0/lvol1

create mount point and mount this logical volume.

155 Posts

February 19th, 2010 07:00

Thanks Dynamox.


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