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December 22nd, 2014 13:00

Online Dell diagnostics

I was running Dell diagnostics online on a remote desktop connection. About a minute after diagnostics started, this filled the whole screen. 

I immediately shut the machine down, and restarted. Everything looked normal, and I am running an in depth virus scan right now.

I did a reverse google image search, and did not get any similar results.

I have done this same process on many other computers, and have never gotten this kind of result. Has anyone else seen anything similar?

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

December 22nd, 2014 14:00


That file is safe. It's part of the Dell Diagnostics. I think it tests the 3d video. It gets really neat the more you watch it.


10 Elder


43.8K Posts

December 22nd, 2014 17:00

If I remember correctly, that tests video streaming, hence the pipe image.

And it may take several minutes to run, so be patient...

1 Message

June 26th, 2016 21:00

Might I suggest that Dell make this a little more obvious either during the test or before the commencement of the test. 

I encountered the same issue and took the same preventative measures described here (immediately shut down the computer, ran a virus scan, etc).

I understand that for many years, video card diagnostics have altered the display (normally very briefly), however there is almost always a warning which states that the screen may flicker, etc during the test. Dell should include a screenshot of this diagnostics test to warn users a) that this is expected, and; b) how long it is expected to take to complete. 

1 Message

September 6th, 2020 20:00

Same here. I'm waiting for my factory reset on my dell because I saw this and panicked. If someone runs this app, it's probably because they already are experiencing some sort of error or looking for a virus. Probably not the best time to wipe the screen and show this image.

January 22nd, 2021 19:00

Hello, My friend also had this happen. Let me start at the beginning. We wanted to play a video game but then their laptop kept shutting off unexpectedly. We tried a couple of different things with no luck. And then I decided they go DELL.COM, to fix the issue. They found a diagnostic tool which they ran to try to fix the problem. They ran the program and the scariest rusty plumbing things I've ever laid eyes on appeared. A green goo seeped from the plumbing things and ran up and down between them like it was loading but it wasn't. This went on for several minutes in which we gasped in horror. We both started to freak out and we thought it was over but then the spaceships came. It was straight out of a retro-style spaceship game with gray spaceships and flashing lights. My friend was convinced they got hacked so quickly turned off their laptop to escape the hacker. DELL needs to warn people of this sci-fi horror show. I hated everything about the experience and we never ended up playing the game.

March 12th, 2021 15:00

Wow. It's 2021 and that scary as h3ll rusty pipes coming straight from a horror movie is still there making more victims of quasi-heart attacks. The aesthetics of this image is one you would expect from malevolent individuals who have hacked your machine. Not from a computer manufacturer. Why is it still there??

April 22nd, 2022 02:00

I totally agree with several of the people here. I have used Support Assist on several occasions and for once I tried the diagnostics and freaked out when i saw the screen go black and the pipes and green goo appear. I was sure that  the next thing i would see would be a ransom demand. I did the same as others - shut down, turned off my router and restarted and carried out several scans. Are the people at Dell so dense that they do not realise that the user will think something is seriously wrong when this nonsense happens!? Utterly idiotic!


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