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This post is more than 5 years old

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts


April 27th, 2015 04:00

UNpatched HWP Filter Memory Corruption Vulnerability in OpenOffice

​The following has been copied/pasted from ​​​​ (which, while free, requires log-in to view):​


​A vulnerability has been reported in Apache OpenOffice, which can be exploited by malicious people to potentially compromise a user's system.​

​ The vulnerability is caused due to an error related to the HWP filter, which can be exploited to cause a memory corruption via a specially crafted HWP [​​H​​angul ​​W​​ord ​​P​​rocessor] file.​

​ Successful exploitation may allow execution of arbitrary code.​

​The vulnerability is reported in versions 4.1.1 and prior.​

​[​​Temporary work-around​​: Users can remove (or rename) the problematic library ("hwp.dll") in the "program" folder of their OpenOffice installation (i.e., C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4\program\hwp.dll) ]​

​Update to version 4.1.2 ​​when available​​.​

​Provided and/or discovered by:​
​The vendor credits an anonymous person via VeriSign iDefense Labs.​

​Original Advisory:​

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